



I'm working on a game where I create a random map of provinces (a la Risk or Diplomacy). To create that map, I'm first generating a series of semi-random points, then figuring the Delaunay triangulations of those points.

With that done, I am now looking to create a Voronoi diagram of the points to serve as a starting point for the province borders. My data at this point (no pun intended) consists of the original series of points and a collection of the Delaunay triangles.

I've seen a number of ways to do this on the web, but most of them are tied up with how the Delaunay was derived. I'd love to find something that doesn't need to be integrated to the Delaunay, but can work based off the data alone. Failing that, I'm looking for something comprehensible to a relative geometry newbie, as opposed to optimal speed. Thanks!

+1  A: 

I'm pretty sure that 'triangle' can generate the voronoi

Martin Beckett
+3  A: 

The Voronoi diagram is just the dual of the Delaunay triangulation. So, the edges of the Voronoi diagram are along the perpendicular bisectors of the edges of the Delaunay triangulation, so compute those lines. Then, compute the vertices of the Voronoi diagram by finding the intersections of adjacent edges. Finally, the edges are then the subsets of the lines you computed which lie between the corresponding vertices. Note that the exact code depends on the internal representation you're using for the two diagrams.

Adam Rosenfield
You can also find the dual (ie. Voronoi diagram) just by computing the circumcentres of all the triangles, and connecting any two circumcentres whose triangles share an edge.
As suggested in the above comment, I would do it in two steps:1. Compute the circumcenter of every Delaunay triangle -> these are the Voronoi vertices. See For every Delaunay edge, compute a Voronoi edge: the segment connecting the circumcenters of the two neighboring Delaunay triangles.

Well the reason why things are tied together is because the Delaunay triangulation and the Voronoi diagram are dual structures. Meaning it is a no brainer to go from voronoi to delaunay and vice versa.

Meaning that if you have a voronoi diagram, all you need to do is connect the points who share an edge and you'll have the delaunay triangulation (and vice versa).

If you just connect (ie, add an edge between) the points who share an edge, you get the original graph, eh?
Rob Dickerson
+1  A: 

If optimal speed is not a consideration, the following psuedo code will generate a Voronoi diagram the hard way:

for yloop = 0 to height-1
  for xloop = 0 to width-1

    // Generate maximal value
    closest_distance = width * height

    for point = 0 to number_of_points-1
      // calls function to calc distance
      point_distance = distance(point, xloop, yloop)

      if point_distance < closest_distance
        closest_point = point
      end if

  // place result in array of point types
  points[xloop, yloop] = point


Assuming you have a 'point' class or structure, if you assign them random colours, then you'll see the familiar voronoi pattern when you display the output.

Richard Franks

Each of your Delaunay triangles contains a single point of the Voronoi diagram.

You can compute this point by finding the intersection of the three perpendicular bisectors for each triangle.

Your Voronoi diagram will connect this set of points, each with it's nearest three neighbors. (each neighbor shares a side of the Delaunay triangle)

How do you plan on approaching the edge cases?

Arc the daft
Note that although for every Delaunay triangle corresponds one Voronoi vertex, this vertex **can be outside the triangle**, as well. see an example here:

(months later) Do you really want Voronoi, or just a pretty near point, "something comprehensible" ?
If the latter, ANN, Approximate Nearest Neighor, methods are waaaay simpler than Delaunay / Voronoi.
Take a look at Kd tree.
Also the source for matplotlib/delaunay has a nice Python wrapper with test funcs ! and plot helpers !

(Fwiw, to quantify "simpler", triangle is 16k lines of C (including a 1000-line help), ANN 1.1.1 4k lines C++ --
both I think high quality code and 3-sigma doc.)
