



Hi Everyone,

Simple question, but I can't seem to find the answer anywhere. Is there a way in Windows, or via a third-party utility, to enforce file naming conventions within a Windows network share?

I'm sure this is easy in Sharepoint, but I want to be able to limit users to the file name format they save into a folder. I could create a post-save program to go and look for exceptions after the fact, but I want to try and force the user to name the files according to our standards when they save.

If something is not available/configurable on the server-side, could this be accomplished via VBA in Excel or Word in the save-file dialogue?

Thanks for your help.



There is nothing, to my knowledge, that can restrict file names.

Nothing unless you write it yourself.

John Saunders
Samba has some stuff, but nothing for an actual Windows server comes to mind.

How about monitoring the folder for changes and as soon as a file with the "wrong" file name is created you alert the user in some way?

Idealy you'd want a "hook" of some sort on the file system level that will also let you fail the file operation if the filename is wrong; but I don't think there's anything at user (not kernel) level that does this.

Assaf Lavie

You will have to write a program to act as a gateway to the share to enforce this. You'll also have to restrict access to the share so users cannot circumvent the program.
