I have a COM interface with a following method definition (IDL notation):
SCODE GetText( [in, out] ULONG* pcwcBuffer,
[out, size_is(*pcwcBuffer)] WCHAR* awcBuffer );
Typelib marshaling is used for COM+, the type library is registered, other methods of the interface work allright when called through COM+, but not this method.
The server side copies an array of WCHARs into the awcBuffer
and its length into pwcBuffer
, no buffer overrun ever occurs.
static const wchar_t* Text = L"Sample";
STDMETHODIMP CImpl::GetText( ULONG* bufferLength, WCHAR* buffer )
const int length = wcslen( Text );
*bufferLength = length;
memcpy( buffer, Text, length * sizeof( WCHAR ) );
return S_OK;
When the client calls this method through COM+ the buffer contents gets lost. Specifically only the first wide char is preserved - if the server copies "Sample" wide character string, the client only receives "S" string. The return value on the client size is S_OK, the buffer length returned to the client is exactly the same as what the server copied.
I finally switched to BSTR to workaround this problem but it's really interesting why the whole valid looking construct doesn't work.
What's the possible reason of the described behaviour?