I have a table with about 10 fields to store gps info for customers. Over time as we have added more customers that table has grown to about 14 million rows. As the gps data comes in a service constantly inserts a row into the table. 90% of the data is not revelent i.e. the customer does not care where the vehicle was 3 months ago, but the most recent data is used to generate tracking reports. My goal is to write a sql to perform a purge of the data that is older than a month.
Here is my problem I can NOT use TRUNCATE TABLE as I would lose everything? Yesterday I wrote a delete table statement with a where clause. When I ran it on a test system it locked up my table and the simulation gps inserts were intermittently failing. Also my transaction log grew to over 6GB as it attempted to log each delete.
My first thought was to delete the data a little at a time starting with the oldest first but I was wondering if there was a better way.