I want to map a INI file as a python object. So if the file have:
SampleFile = sample.txt
SamplePort = 80
SampleInt = 1
Sample = Aja
SampleDate = 10/02/2008
Then I want:
c = Configuration('sample.ini')
c.UserOptions.SamplePort = 90
I'm looking to setattr but I get a recursion error.
This is what I have:
class Configuration:
def __init__ (self, fileName):
cp = SafeConfigParser()
self.__parser = cp
self.fileName = fileName
def __getattr__ (self, name):
if name in self.__parser.sections():
return Section(name, self.__parser)
return None
def __str__ (self):
p = self.__parser
result = []
result.append('<Configuration from %s>' % self.fileName)
for s in p.sections():
result.append('[%s]' % s)
for o in p.options(s):
result.append('%s=%s' % (o, p.get(s, o)))
return '\n'.join(result)
class Section:
def __init__ (self, name, parser):
self.__name = name
self.__parser = parser
def __getattr__ (self, name):
if self.__dict__.has_key(name): # any normal attributes are handled normally
return __getattr__(self, item)
return self.__parser.get(self.name, name)
def __setattr__(self, item, value):
"""Maps attributes to values.
Only if we are initialised
if self.__dict__.has_key(item): # any normal attributes are handled normally
dict.__setattr__(self, item, value)
self.__parser.set('UserOptions',item, value)
Now I wonder why in self.__parser.set('UserOptions',item, value)
I get the error. I read in the pythons docs and I don't get what to do. I suspect that I need store a dict with the fields name and first look there but how?