I'll suggest a pattern that might work. But first ... I'd like to suggest that perhaps the requirement may be benefit from a little interpretation. What's actually going on that needs a 5 second timeout, and needs to be very sure (abort transaction sure) that that work didn't happen if the timeout is reached? And in which case how upset would the user be if his browser crashed or a network glitch happened before they saw the result - because in that case we can't know from the client end what happened, and the client is under the conditions of the questions (and almost inevitably) not participating in the transaction.
So a different model of interaction might be simpler to implement and give quite good reliability. I'll describe that model and then explain how you can refine it to give the 5 second timeout too if you do need it.
My suggested model of interaction is the "place-order, check-for-fills-later" model. This is what is ofetn used for an online trading system. The client sends a request, the system stashes the request away safely somewhere and immediately responds to the client. No timeout needed the stashing away is very quick. Then in an a worker thread (use an MDB in JEE land, or WebSphere's asynch beans) the real work can be done.
The client later can ask "that order number 73, how's it going?" or "please cancel order 73". Using Ajax or callback techniques we can give a very nice UI over that model.
Note that the implementation of client saying "cancel" and the system going "finished that one" needs to be mediated by suitable locking, usually by some database.
Using optimistic locking, a SQL statment meaning something like
Update order 73 to cancelled WHERE its state is working
if the number of rows updated == 0 then "TOO LATE we already filled it"
Hence the filler can, in its primary transaction, attend to update to "FILLED" and abort the transaction if the record has been cancelled.
We have meadiated between two asychronous "threads".
For many system this is enough.
Bear in mind:
- if your worker is taking a long time, it may be very bad for overall throuput to cancel it at the end of the work, will the user jusy submit the request again.
- While the work is down in the depths of JDBC you probably cannot interrupt it, so "runaway" queries will not be stopped by anything we've discussed here.
If you do need the 5 second timeout, all you do is exactly the above except the the service is coded to do the cancel check after sleeping, rather than immediately returning to the client and doing the check in a later, separate request. So the client code lookes like:
Begin tran
stash request
// now the worker may get round to starting the work sometime
Sleep 5 seconds
Begin Tran
attempt to cancel!
// that will fail if the work is completed
// the WHERE will not find the record in the right state
if update worked COMMIT
// now worker cannot complete
else ABORT
// by here the work is either complete or cancelled
// even if worker is still running it cannot complete
return state of record