




This works:

int main() {
  for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < 10; i += 1, j = 2*i) {
    cout << j << endl;

` But this not:

int main() {
  for (int i = 0, float j = 0.0; i < 10; i += 1, j = 2*i) {
    cout << j << endl;

Is there a way to define variables of two types in for loop? I don't need to use iterator i inside the loop, just j.

If you have totally hacked and obscure solution, It's OK for me.

Please do not give suggestions to use float for both i and j, in my real problem i is my own iterator (not STL) to value of type j.

Please do not suggest to move any of the variables outside of for body, probably not usable for me as the iterator has to disappear just after the loop and the for statement is to be enclosed in foreach macro.

I have this macro:

#define foreach(var, iter, instr) {                  \
    typeof(iter) var##IT = iter;                     \
    typeof(iter)::Element var = *var##IT;            \
    for (; var##_iterIT.is_still_ok(); ++var##IT, var = *var#IT) {  \
      instr;                                         \
    }                                                \

I can be used like that:

foreach(ii, collection, {
  cout << ii;

But I need something that will be used like that:

foreach(ii, collection)
  cout << ii;

Please do not introduce any runtime overhead (but it might be slow to compile).

Thank you in advance. :)

+20  A: 

Please do not suggest to move any of the variables outside of for body, probably not usable for me as the iterator has to disappear just after the loop.

You could do this:

#include <iostream>

int main( int, char *[] ) {
     float j = 0.0;

     for ( int i = 0; i < 10; i += 1, j = 2*i ) {
      std::cout << j << std::endl;

    float j = 2.0; // works

    std::cout << j << std::endl;

    return 0;
Beat me to it by seconds!
Paul Tomblin
Me too, and even with more boilerplate code! :)
Not useful unfortunately
Łukasz Lew
Why is it not useful? It satisfies all your requirements.
Michael Myers
@Łukasz: Why not? Which one of your conditions does this violate?
Given all of the conditions you want met, I don't think there is a more practical solution.
@Łukasz: The artificial scope forces j to be `destroyed` at scope end. It's identical to having j defined at the same time as i.
What would make the { ... } proposed by kitchen stop working when used together with "for-each" (what for-each anyway? boost or qt his own?)
Johannes Schaub - litb
@litb: Good question! Also, if it won't work with the foreach, then maybe he should consider using another for loop.

Why don't you just declare and initialize your variables outside of the for loop? You can still test and increment as you have it now.

Because for statement will be used in macro.
Łukasz Lew
Well, there's your problem.Macros are inherently flawed and dangerous and you run into conditions they can't handle. For that matter, you are quite often screwed because macros don't understand templates with commas in them.Give up on the macro, all your problems go away.
Matt Cruikshank
As many have already mentioned, just enclose your expression within a new scope { .. }.Pozdrawiam.
+5  A: 
  int i = 0;
  float j = 0.0;
  for ( ; i < 10; i += 1, j = 2*i) {
    cout << j << endl;

The variables "disappear" after the block.

Paul Tomblin
This is the canonical approach for creating variables within macros.
Chris Arguin
+4  A: 

This will make the iterator (or in this case, float) disappear when it's no more needed:

int main() {
  // some code...

    float j = 0.0;
    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i += 1, j = 2*i) {
      cout << j << endl;

  // more code...
+8  A: 

Well, it's ugly. But you could use pair.

int main() {
  for (std::pair<int,float> p(0,0.0f); 
       p.first < 10; 
       p.first += 1, p.second = 2*p.first) {
    cout << p.second << endl;
Mike G.
Nice idea! And then generalize to more than two types by using boost::tuple.
nice idea but it forces to change the body of the loop, so I can't accept it
Łukasz Lew
Wanted to answer with boost::tuple, but you beat me :) But why not for (std::pair<int,float> p(0,0.0f); p.first < 10; p.first++, p.second = 2*p.first) { ... } ?
Johannes Schaub - litb
+1 for this beautiful code diarrhea (that's what the OP asked for)
#define i p.first#define j p.secondThere, now you don't need to change the body of the loop.
Matt Cruikshank
+2  A: 

With the requirements you give the simplest code I can think of is:

for ( int i = 0; i < 10; ++i )
   float f = i * 2;
   std::cout << f << std::endl;

You only use f as twice the value of i. The lifetime is limited to the loop and (at least in the simplified question you provide) floats are cheap to create (exactly as cheap as to assign).

If construction of the real float (I am assuming that since i is not really an int, f may not be a float either) is much more expensive than reassigning the value, then the other solutions of encapsulating inside an extra pair of curly braces to limit scope would be the best option.

David Rodríguez - dribeas
Argh! Beat me to it by *one* second! (according to SO)
+1  A: 
int main() {
  for (int i = 0, float j = 0.0; i < 10; i += 1, j = 2*i) {
    cout << j << endl;

Maybe I'm being dense, but why do you even have to declare the float? You just "throw it away" when you leave the loop anyways. Right?

for(int i=0; i<10; ++i)
    cout << (float)2*i << endl;

Why do you need j?

+1  A: 

You say the i is your own type, and you just need to generate j out of i, right? Easy. Add a member function to i's class to generate the j value, and use that always. You can probably even make a macro to "hide" the call to that member function, if you want. :-)

Chris Jester-Young
+3  A: 

If you're having trouble with macros, there's a standard do..while trick that works perfectly:

#define MYFOR(init, test, post, body) \
    do \
    { \
        init \
        for( ; test; post) \
            body \
    } while(0)

Use it as follows:

MYFOR( int i = 0; float j = 0.0f; , i < 10 , (i += 1, j = 2.0f * i),
         cout << j << endl;
    } );

It's ugly, but it does what you want: the scope of i and j is limited by the do..while loop from the macro, and it requires a semicolon at the end, so you won't get bitten by putting it in the predicate of an if/else statement.

Adam Rosenfield
This is the best what I came with. But I need body to be separate of macro.
Łukasz Lew
+2  A: 

EDIT: Question has changed once more. The question now explicitly wants to implement a foreach loop. The simplest answer:

#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
void( std::vector<int>& v ) {
   BOOST_FOREACH( int & x, v ) {
      x = x*2;

Injecting a variable into a code block

This is not intended as an answer, but to show a more general technique for injecting a variable into a code block. It seems as if the macro the OP is trying to define might use, even if it does incur in some overhead

There are a couple of places where you can define a variable with different scopes. You can define a variable inside any code block, and its lifespan will be to the end of that particular block. You can define a variable in the parenthesis of a for loop and the scope will be the loop block. You can also define a variable inside an if block and its scope will be that of the if (including the else clause).

You can combine those options above to create externally and inject variables into a code block without creating a variable whose lifespan exceeds that of the block. A practical example would be defining a foreach loop (simplified to work only on STL containers. The calling syntax would be:

void f( std::vector<int>& container ) 
   INTVECTOR_FOREACH( int & x, container )
      x = x*2;

With semantics similar to foreach in other languages: x gets referenced to each element in the container, so that the function actually doubles each value inside the integer vector.

Now the code of the simplified macro:

#define INTVECTOR_FOREACH( variable, container ) \
   for ( std::vector<int>::iterator it = container.begin(); it!=container.end(); ++it ) \
      if ( bool condition=false ) {} else \
         for ( variable = *it; !condition; condition=true )

Generalizing the macro for any container and type requires some metaprogramming that falls out of the context of the question, but the idea of how it works (I hope) should not be too hard to follow.

The external for iterates over the container, in each iteration we execute another for only once defining the iterating variable (int & x in the sample code). We need a condition to control the number of iterations (1) of the internal loop, and that condition is injected with an if. We choose to make the if fail so that we can ensure that the user does not get unexpected results if she writes an else after the loop... macros are tricky.

David Rodríguez - dribeas
+4  A: 

Here is a version using boost preprocessor (This is just for fun. For the real-world answer, see @kitchen's one above):

FOR((int i = 0)(int j = 0.0), i < 10, (i += 1, j = 2 * i)) { 


The first part specifies a sequence of declarations: (a)(b).... The variables declared later can refer to variables declared before them. The second and third part are as usual. Where commas occur in the second and third parts, parentheses can be used to prevent them to separate macro arguments.

There are two tricks known to me used to declare variables that are later visible in a compound statement added outside a macro. The first uses conditions, like an if:

if(int k = 0) ; else COMPOUND_STATEMENT

Then k is visible. Naturally, it always have to evaluate to false. So it can't be used by us. The other context is this one:

for(int k = 0; ...; ...) COMPOUND_STATEMENT

That's what i'm going to use here. We'll have to watch to only make one iteration of COMPOUND_STATEMENT. The actual for loop that does the increment and condition checking has to come at the end, so the appended compound statement appertains to it.

#include <boost/preprocessor.hpp>
#include <iostream>

#define EMIT_DEC_(R,D,DEC) \
    for(DEC; !_k; ) 

#define FOR(DECS, COND, INC) \
    if(bool _k = false) ; else \
        for(_k = true; COND; INC)

int main() {
    FOR((int i = 0)(float j = 0.0f), i < 10, (i += 1, j = 2 * i)) {
        std::cout << j << std::endl;

It's creating a bunch of for statements, each nested into another one. It expands into:

if(bool _k = false) ; else
  for(int i = 0; !_k; )
    for(float j = 0.0f; !_k; )
      for(_k = true; i < 10; (i += 1, j = 2 * i)) {
        std::cout << j << std::endl;
Johannes Schaub - litb
Exactly what I needed. Thanks
Łukasz Lew
It turns out that first if and two for/s are optimized out.
Łukasz Lew
+2  A: 

This one is also ugly, but provides also some general way for declaring multiple variables with some given name and types in a for-loop

int main() {
  for (struct { int i; float j; } x = { };
       x.i < 10; x.i += 1, x.j = 2 * x.i) {
    cout << x.j << endl;
Johannes Schaub - litb