




I want to restrict access to certain folder on aix.

even root user should be restricted to access certain folders. for e..g i have user - aixuser and root on aix 5.3 server and i have a folder - myfolder.

i want only aixuser to have access to this folder and not root.

how can i do this?

+1  A: 

You cannot exclude root access to any file on any local file system.

+1  A: 

No. The whole concept of the root user relies on unfettered access so you cannot do this.

There's a good reason for this - if you lost access to your files somehow, how would you expect the administrators to recover them for you?

The way of dealing with your concerns is to either restrict the number of people with root access or somehow encrypt your files. But even that latter suggestion wouldn't stop a determined root user who can look inside your process address spaces.

The only workable security will be having your own box with only you having the root powers.

can RBAC on aix 6.1 do this ?the IBM doc says it can..so just wondering..
RBAC can allow non-root users to do some tasks normally only allowed to root users but it does not (and should not) restrict the root user in any way.