



I have a secret key that was sent to me as a file so I can encrypt some xml data using Blowfish. How do I access the key so that I can use it with AS3Crypto? I assume I need to Embed it using the [Embed] meta tag. It's mimeType="application/octet-stream" but I'm not sure if thats right. How do I embed, then reference this file as the secret key? The xmls that I'm encrypting cannot be decrypted on the Java side. Each attempt fails with this exception:

javax.crypto.BadPaddingException: Given final block not properly padded.

As a bonus, if anyone has experience using the lib to work with the Java implementation and knows the ideal mode/padding/IV to use that would be awesome. Thanks!

//keyFile is an embedded asset. I was given a file to use as the key
var kdata:ByteArray = new keyFile() as ByteArray;

//Convert orderXML to Base64
var orderData:ByteArray = Base64.decodeToByteArray(String(orderXML));

//Cipher name   
var cname:String = "simple-blowfish-ecb";

var pad:IPad = new PKCS5;
var mode:ICipher = Crypto.getCipher(cname, kdata, pad);

//not sure if this is necessary. seems to be also set in mode


var transmitXML:String = Base64.encodeByteArray(orderData);

//DEBUG: Output to TextArea
storePanel.statusBox.text += "\n--TRANSMIT--\n"+transmitXML;

The error sounds like the file was not "flushed" before it was closed by the encryption code.

I've never used as3crypto but it looks like it would inter-operate with "AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding" on the Java side, and that's the cipher I'd recommend in new applications (a 128-bit key is considered "strong").

How would I go about closing the file to avoid this error? Its embedded into the Flash File. I don't see a reference for a flush() method in the ByteArray class.
I'm not familiar with the API. Post a link to the docs and the code and I'd be happy to take a look at it. You should be looking for a method like "finish", "dispose", etc. on the cipher object. In Java it's called "doFinal".
Apparently for AS3 Crypto, the source is the documentation. There does appear to be a dispose method. When would I call this method?
Okay, I took a look at the library, but it appears that the dispose method just erases the keys. I looked at the ECBMode implementation, and it looks like your code above should work properly with it, including padding the plaintext. It's possible the problem is with the Java code. If you want to post it, I'll review that too. Also, a test case using a short message would be helpful... post a test key and short message, then show the Base64-encoded output of the as3crypto lib.

Dunno if you're still unsure about how to embed binary data, but you're right about using the [Embed] tag (it's certainly one good way of doing it).

I often embed like this:

[Embed(source="myKeyFile.key", mimeType="application/octet-stream")]
private const _KeyFile:Class;
private var keyFile:ByteArray = new _KeyFile();


trace(keyFile.length + " bytes"); // XYZ bytes

More info:
