
Simple encryption implementation in C

I've used a nice public domain C++ DES implementation before, but now I need some simple, basic, fast cryptography for an embedded system. It doesn't need to be unbreakable, but it does need to thwart the casual hacker (ie, nothing that could be used for money or identity theft, but other personal info transferred on memory cards that c...

C# Problem using blowfish NET: How to convert from Uint32[] to byte[]

Hello, In C#,I'm using Blowfish.NET 2.1.3's BlowfishECB.cs file(can be found here) In C++,It's unknown,but it is similiar. In C++,the Initialize(blowfish) procedure is the following: void cBlowFish::Initialize(BYTE key[], int keybytes) In C#,the Initialize(blowfish) procedure is the same public void Initialize(byte[] key, int ofs,...

Blowfish in C#

My C++ program is using a standard blowfish. My C# program is using the Blowfish encryption algorithm from here. Both applications (TCP Clients) do the same thing: receive a packet, encrypt it and then send it back. If the server recognises the packet as normal - it sends another packet, otherwise it closes the socket. I followed all f...

How to use blowfish in C++ as an external dll in C#

Hello, It seems there's no blowfish in C# that would do the same as this one.So I decided to use it as an external and if it doesnt work again then translate the whole blowfish in C#. But first I'll try to use as an external. Could you take a look at the C++ blowfish and tell me if I have to change the function parameters(some of them ...

C#: Blowfish doesnt work with fewer letters

Hello, I'm using Blowfish.NET newest version,but there is one problem. responce = new byte[6] { 0x00, 0x80 ,0x01, 0x61, 0x00, 0x00 }; byte[] encrypted = new byte[responce.Length]; blowfish.Encrypt(responce, 2, encrypted, 2, input.Length - 2); I called it the right way,I want it to start read/write from the third byte and the len...

C++ blowfish works with fewer letters,but C# blowfish doesn't

Hello, a C++ blowfish supports encrypting a block with less than < 8 letters,while .NET doesn't.Why? -->C# NET Blowfish<-- -->C++ Blowfish<-- In both C++ and C# applications,I encrypt the following array byte response[6] = { 0x00, 0x80, 0x01, 0x61, 0x05, 0x06 }; In both C++ and C# applications,I call the Encrypt function w...

C#: Blowfish Encipher a single dword

Hello, I'm translating a C++ TCP Client into C#.The client is used to encode 4 bytes of an array using blowfish. C++ Blowfish C# Blowfish(C# NET) C++ BYTE response[6] = { 0x00, 0x80, 0x01, 0x61, 0xF8, 0x17 }; // Encrypt the last 4 bytes of the packet only(0x01,0x061,0xF8,0x17) blowfish.Encode(responce + 2, responce + 2, ...

Adaptation problem with the Blowfish Encryption in C

I'm writing a program that implements the Boneh-Franklin Identity Based Encryption. For the actual encryption methods, I use Blowfish which I got from ( I'm trying to adapt the blowfish encryption/decryption code to my program. The difference in my program is that I read the message from the standard input, encrypt i...

How can I convert a Blowfish encoded binary string to ASCII in Ruby?

I would like to encode some plain text using Ruby and the Crypt library. I would like to then transmit this encrypted text (along with some other data) as an ASCII hexadecimal string within an XML file. I have the following code snippet: require 'rubygems' require 'crypt/blowfish' plain = "This is the plain text" puts plain blowfish...

Encrypt/Decrypt ECB/PKS5/Blowfish between AS3Crypto & Javax.Crypto fails with padding error

I have a secret key that was sent to me as a file so I can encrypt some xml data using Blowfish. How do I access the key so that I can use it with AS3Crypto? I assume I need to Embed it using the [Embed] meta tag. It's mimeType="application/octet-stream" but I'm not sure if thats right. How do I embed, then reference this file as the sec...

Porting TurboPower Blowfish to .Net

I have an application that was originally written in Borland C++ and used a Blowfish algorithm implemented in the TurboPower LockBox component . This application has now been ported to C#. Currently I call a Borland C++ dll that uses this algorithm. However, when running the application on a 64-bit OS, I get errors whenever attempti...

How can I decrypt a file encrypted in Perl using Crypt::CBC (Blowfish) in C?

I have a small encryption tool in Perl which uses the Crypt::CBC and Blowfish to encrypt files. I want to write the decryption algorithm in C or C++ ... Please somebody help me in doing this. ...

Error decrypting file

Hi, i encrypt a file using ideas from I downloaded and compiled this source code for encrypting/decrypting a simple text file. Once compiled I do: ./blowfish input_file.txt output_enc.txt output_dec.txt I use the options: G for generating a key E for encrypting the file, so output_enc.txt is ...

MD5 to Blowfish encryption?

Can anyone give me an idea bout this.. I was assigned to decrypt passwords from our LDAP DB and then encrypt them using blowfish algo since we are going to use openfire system. Transfer of data from one DB to another is not that much of a problem, just these "passwords".. Is there any way to convert MD5 encryption to blowfish? am i going...

Why does Blowfish::PP's encrypt only print five characters?

Good day! I have a code here that uses the blowfish_PP algorithm from Crypt::Blowfish_PP to encrypt a password. I've provided a sample "key" variable for a start (though I will make a function later that will increment key every time I use it), but for now this is what I've got: use Crypt::Blowfish_PP; $key = "12345678"; $$plaintextB...

Decrypt BlowfishEasy encrypted file in PHP

I am trying to figure out how to decrypt a file that is encrypted with BlowfishJ.BlowfishEasy. Anyone who has Java and PHP experience and would be willing to help would be great! BlowfishEasy Class: Decrypt Call C...

Blowfish encryption sub-key generation

Okay, so I'm doing a little blowfish implementation in PHP as a programming exercise for myself, and to get to know that encryption method better. I arrived at a set of functions that work, in that I can encrypt data and decrypt it again, but the test vectors I found don't agree with my encrypted values... Since the encode/decode seems t...

Blowfish objective-c implementation

Hello, What objective-c implementation of Blowfish would you advice to use? (Or may be I just missed some standard implementations available?) ...

48-bit blowfish

Is there an implementation (Java/C++/Ruby) of a blowfish algorithm that supports 48-bit data blocks? I have an encryption problem where the input and output channels are exactly 48-bits. All implementations on the net are for 64-bit blocks. Thanks, Tom ...

encrypting data using blowfish under flash.

how can i encrypt data in flash? is there a toolkit or class or something that can help me do that ? ...