
What is the safest algorithm in Kohana's auth module?

I'd prefer to use the crypt function and use blowfish encryption, but the current implementation of this module uses the hash function, which doesn't offer this encryption method. So, what is the safest algorithm in Kohana's auth module? Would SHA-512 be a good option or am I better off modifying the module to use crypt and blowfish? ...

blowfish.h usage in a simple client/server application

Hi, I am trying to write an application which amongst other things uses the openssl blowfish implementation (blowfish.h) to transport files over a simple server/client pair. However, whilst some files are encrypted, transported, received and decrypted correctly, some end up being corrupted, after the final decryption stage. This lead...

How to check two hashed passwords are the same?

Hello, I'm writing a program where I use MD5 to hash login details before I send them to a server, but there I have to compare it to a blowfish (jBCrypt) hashed password retrieved from a database. jBCrypt uses: if (BCrypt.checkpw("candidatePassword", hashedPwd)) { // they are the same } The problem is that, I don't have a candidate ...

C# blowfish encryption/decryption

Hey, Anyone got a link to a blowfish library which can encrypt/decrypt text ? I found some .dll's for Windows and used pinvoke to encrypt/decrypt text but those dll's doesn't work on linux (mono). Preferable I want a library to work on both windows and linux Thanks. ...

Blowfish-encrypted messages between NSIS and PHP

For a project I'm working on, I need to encrypt and decrypt a string using Blowfish in a compatible way across NSIS and PHP. At the moment I'm using the Blowfish++ plugin for NSIS and the mcrypt library with PHP. The problem is, I can't get them both to produce the same output. Let's start with the NSIS Blowfish++ plugin. Basically t...

Symmetric Key to Asymmetric key handoff

I'm not a cryptography expert, I actually only have a little bit of experience using it at all. Anyways, the time has come where one of my applications demands that I have some encryption set up. Please note, the program won't be managing anything super critical that will be able to cause a lot of damage. Anyways, I was just trying to...

What is the correct format for a blowfish salt using PHP's crypt?

I have read the information provided on the PHP Manual Entry for crypt(), but I find myself still unsure of the format for a salt to trigger the Blowfish algorithm. According manual entry, I should use '$2$' or '$2a$' as the start of a 16 character string. However, in the example given later, they use a much longer string: '$2a$07$uses...

Why does crypt/blowfish generate the same hash with two different salts?

This question has to do with PHP's implementation of crypt(). For this question, the first 7 characters of the salt are not counted, so a salt '$2a$07$a' would be said to have a length of 1, as it is only 1 character of salt and seven characters of meta-data. When using salt strings longer than 22 characters, there is no change in the ...

problems understanding an open source Blowfish API

Hello.process of encoding. its work byte[] key = Form1.StrToByteArray("1234567812345678");//secret key byte[] data = Form1.StrToByteArray("ololoololoololoololoololoololoololoololoololoololoololoololoaaas");//text for encoding Blowfish bf = new Blowfish(key);//start class bf.Encipher(data, 64);//64 is len string data string encoded_tex...

problem with converting byte [] to string in blowfish

Hello. There is a code. I checked that the method Decipher() is a string supplied "A-ґР^E—‹" The output should now have "asdasdas", but it gives me "��� �D\—‹" what could be the problem? Advance thanks to all who respond to this problem!!! string dec = hex2bin_new("412db4d05e45978b");//convert in "A-ґР^E—‹" byte[] key...

Using blowfish encryption with Android?

I'm trying to use a blowfish cipher inside an Android application. It appears that the Android platform supports blowfish (it appears to be in the source code), but when I try to get a cipher using: Cipher.getInstance("blowfish"); I get a "" ...

Using Blowfish Encryption within .NET

I am working on a project where I need to undertake Blowfish encryption and decryption. Is there anything out there that others are using to do this within but cannot find anything within a .NET C# environment? I would ideally like something does not rely on running an exe as this will eventually live on a live server where exe’s are ...

How to decrypt IRC Bot's blowfish encrypted messages.

I am making an IRC bot in php to read content of a channel. Bot is done fine.But the messages are encrypted With blowfish encryption. i have the key and all, i tried PHP's code below but didn;t worked. echo mcrypt_decrypt(MCRYPT_BLOWFISH,$key,$input,MCRYPT_MODE_ECB); For more help the encryption is done via drftpd site bot. I can fin...

MCRYPT_DEV_RANDOM always the same

I'm using MCRYPT_DEV_RANDOM and MCRYPT_DEV_URANDOM as part of blowfish encryption, but I'm noticing it outputs the same random digit every time. It differs from machine to machine, but it's the same in each machine. Is this normal? Does it affect the strength of the initialization vector (IV) I generate with it? ...

mcrypt blowfish php slightly different results when compared to java and .net

Here is some example code with altered key values and payload: $key = '/4rTInjwg/H/nA=='; $key = base64_decode($key); $data = 'val=100|val=200|val=300|val=400|val=500|val=600|val=700|val=800|val=900|'; $data.= 'val2=100|val2=200|val2=300|val2=400|val2=500|val2=600|val2=700|val2=800|val2=900|'; $data.= 'val3=100|val3=200|val3=300|val3=4...

Blowfish c++ (irc)

Lo Folk, i'm searching Blowfish for C++ with IRC support. Anybody know where to find those tricky thing? Thx ...

Fast, Secure Random Numbers

Hello Friends, I was searching for a faster alternative to /dev/urandom when I stumbled across this interesting tidbit: One good trick for generating very good non-random-but-nearly-random bits is to use /dev/random's entropy to seed a fast symmetric stream cipher (my favorite is blowfish), and redirect it's output to the applicatio...

delphi blowfish mode ecb (python converter to delphi)

I know as a programmer that is rare for someone to do, but I actually need it and can not at all so someone needs to convert this small function cryptography python for delphi function: ` from Crypto.Cipher import Blowfish class Blowfish(object): cipher = None def __init__(self, key, mode = Blowfish.MODE_ECB): self.c...

PHP Blowfish encryption

I've been asked to point a login form to an external site, where login and pass should be present in the URL and the pass should be Blowfish encrypted. I was provided a "key" which is in the format: "nnn-nnnssssssssssssssssssssssssnnnnnn" where n is a number and s is a letter (24 of them). From the PHP docs it seems that to trigger Blow...

PHP Secure Session

I'm creating an application similar to phpmyadmin (database management UI). The user needs to authenticate himself against the database and the application needs to store the credentials somehow. SSL is not an option for all installs. Idea 1: User sends credentials, application stores username and encrypts password using predefined blo...