




This may sound newbie but, I am trying to make an external header that does a function that is reading from a file a name like joey and saving it as a variable to the other code it read from but i cant figure it out...It will be like this...One code will get this name and it will write it to the file...Then i want to use this header to read this file without writing the full code again but i cant seem to find a way to save the name read to a variable..

+1  A: 

All right, this isn't very clear. Can you lay out something like pseudocode to explain it?

If I'm at all understanding you, you want to write data to a file in one place, and read it from other places, and you want the code to read it to be in a header fle. There's nothing particularly impossible about this, but there are lots of easier better ways to handle it.

Charlie Martin