




I am testing a simple socket program which connects to a server in local area network. I am using Blackberry Pearl 8100 simulator to test this.Also tested on 8900 simulator. But did not work on either.

The error is displayed as : General socket error

Is it that networking programs cannot be tested on simulators? Also, Any solution for this exception?

Please help.



There are a number of issues that can crop up with networking programs on the Simulator and the actual units as well. Can you post a code segment? Are you starting the MDS simulator before the Blackberry simulator?

Whenever I run Blackberry simulator + MDS , there is conflict in ports.MDS simulator's console print error as port already in use.Where to resolve this conflict?Regarding socket connection,do I need to do any specific settings on simulator?On some forums I read about APN needs to be specified.Is it so? What is APN in case of simulator connecting to a network server?Please help.
The program I am trying to run is socketdemo from RIM sample examples.
To resolve the port conflict you must either change the port the MDS simulator is using (see the documentation) or terminate/change the other program that is using the same port. If I recall correctly the MDS simulator uses 8080. APN shouldn't be needed for the simulator.
I removed "deviceside=true" property from the url,it worked fine on simulator.Will this also work well on real device? I dont have device to test right now.
deviceside=true indicates that you want to use direct tcp access (via the carriers APN. Removing it will cause the device to use the BES/Unite/BIS connections (if available) in that priority order.