




i have multiple computers and i want to keep track of all the blogs that i read without having to manually go to each to "poll" and find out if there are updates. I know my browser has local built in RSS fields but i am often on multiple computers.

is there an online way to keeping track of all subscriptions of blogs so i can get alerted when there are updates no matter what computer i am on. that i am interested in. in my case these are all programming blogs (coding horror, joel on software, etc)

+2  A: 

Google Reader or Bloglines. Both are web-based RSS readers that grab the feeds for you and store them to another server until you're ready to read them.

+8  A: 

Have you considered using Google Reader?

Lance Harper
+3  A: 

Google Reader is the best online RSS reader I've found.

Marc Charbonneau
+2  A: 

Google Reader (is there an echo). The other really geat thing about Google Reader is that you can pull down all your feeds using Google Gears, and read in those situations where you don't have an internet connection, like the car or plane.

Chris Henry
+1  A: 

The great thing about Google Reader (yeah, another vote from me) is that it doesn't just have a very decent web interface, but also some clients (e.g., byline for iPhone) that sync with it. You can also leave notes, share items, add them to your favorites, etc.

Robert Kosara