So here's my setup:
- User spins PickerWheel, chooses which section of the app to navigate to.
- The app loads a UIViewController from a XIB file and pushes it on to the navigationController stack
- User can pop back at anytime and choose another section to navigate to - the viewController is (supposed to be) completely destroyed and re-allocated for the new XIB file
It seems simple, but each of these sections is very resource intensive. I can't find a good way to completely clear the XIB out of memory when they pop back - I try just calling [viewController release], and while it works and ends up calling the -(void)dealloc method of the UIViewController subclass, some of the contents from the XIB file still stay in memory (I can see them there in ObjectAllocations, and I can see a lot of memory left over in ActivityMonitor).
Basically what I am asking is what is the best way to completely remove a dynamically-loaded XIB from memory?