




This has been a rather problematic issue on numerous occasions. We have alot of our designers using Macs for design and the fonts based on there but when we need to see designs on a PC the fonts are not there.

I was wondering if anyone knows a rather efficient and painless method of moving/copying a font from MAC OS X to PC (Windows).

Thanks in advance!

+1  A: 

If you are willing to pay, this seems like a solution:


If free is better, I'd try this:


Jordan L. Walbesser
FontClerk is unfortunatly too old (Date Added: December 31, 1996) OS X doesn't seem to support "Classic" mode any more. Don't really want to pay for something at the moment :/
Shadi Almosri
Cross font seems to be the best i've seen so far. So that's the one we're now using. Cheers!
Shadi Almosri