I got the following branches :
- master
- production
and the following remotes branches :
- origin/master
- origin/production
I got a script that fetches the origin/master branch and gets the diff of what changed from my last fetch (log -p master..origin/master). Then I merge origin/master.
The commits found are pushed to a code review tools.
I want to push the successful commits and only them to the production branch, and then of course, to origin/production.
How can I do so ?
Also, I got 2 scripts running, the one that fetch from origin/master, push commits details to a database, and merge, the other that I'm currently writing, that will have to push the successful commits. I'd like to have those 2 scripts running while avoiding race conditions/merge conflict (since it seems to me that I will need to switch between branches to do so ... :/)
Thanks in advance,
edit : I was thinking that, since I only want to work with specified commits, maybe there's a way to get rid of the commits that I don't want ? :)