I am using a table called analyzed in Microsoft Access. It has many fields but the three ones being used for filtering in this case are analyzed.readings_miu_id, analyzed.ReadDate, analyzed.ReadTime. I need to pull the records from the "analyzed" table where readings_miu_id are grouped together then sorted by ReadDate but showing only the last entry for said date which could be the highest valued time in ReadTime. I've created a query:
SELECT readings_miu_id, Reading, ReadDate, ReadTime,
MIUwindow, SN, Noise, RSSI, OriginCol, ColID, Ownage
FROM analyzed
WHERE analyzed.ReadDate Between #4/21/2009# and #4/29/2009#
AND analyzed.ReadTime= (
SELECT TOP 1 analyzed.ReadTime
FROM analyzed
WHERE analyzed.readings_miu_id = *????***
ORDER BY analyzed.ReadTime DESC);
*????*** is being used to show that im not sure what to put here
if i enter in a valid readings_miu_id i get one record with the highest time for that readings_miu_id.
How do i use a sub query like the one above to pull only the last ReadTime per readings_miu_id per ReadDate?
*readings_miu_id* is not the table ID, it is more similar to an Item Number or a Name