




I'm trying to call a server side method from client side via jQuery, my code is as follows:

Server side:

    using System.Web.Services;
    public static void SendMessage(string subject, string message, string messageId, string pupilId)
        //send message

Client side:

$("#btnSendMessage").live("click", function(){
  var subject = $("#tbSubject").val();
  var message = $("#tbMessage").val();
  var messageId = $("#hdnMessageId").val();
  var pupilId = $("#hdnPupilId").val();

      type: "POST",
      url: "./MessagePopup.aspx/SendMessage",
      data: ("subject=" + subject + "&message=" + message + "&messageId=" + messageId + "&pupilId=" + pupilId),
      error: function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown){
      success: function(result){
   return false;

I've added a break point in the server side SendMessage method but it's never hitting it, but when I run the code the jQuery success method is called. Any ideas what would be causing this?`


You should use web service instead of regular aspx web page. Web pages has no support to call web methods, I believe your jQuery request loads the HTML page instead. I suggest you two things:

  1. Use Fiddler2 (with IE) or HttpFox (with Firefox) to debug AJAX requests and responses on client side.
  2. Use WCF web service on the server side. in this case you can use SvcConfigEditor and SvcTraceViewer to configure and debug web methods on the server side.
Artem K.
Why do you say WCF rather than ASMX?
WCF is now primary and recommended communication technology for .NET. It has a tons of capabilities over asmx web servives, better testability (Google for "Unit testing WCF services").Strategically, WCF is a right choice to learn. Check this post for more about asmx vs WCF:
Artem K.
Also, you can check Microsoft performance benchmarks:
Artem K.
I'll check it out, thanks guys.
+3  A: 

It looks like you're trying to make use of a page method.

Take a look here Page Methods in ASP.NET Ajax for help

Stephen Newman
I didn't know about Page Methods +1
Jose Basilio
+8  A: 

To call ASP.NET AJAX "ScriptServices" and page methods, you need to use the full $.ajax() syntax:

  type: "POST",
  url: "MessagePopup.asmx/SendMessage",
  data: "{subject:'" + subject + "',message:'" + message + ",messageId:'" + messageId + "',pupilId:'" + pupilId +"'}",
  contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
  dataType: "json",
  success: function(msg) {
    // Do something interesting here.

See this post for details on why that's necessary:

Dave Ward
Got it working, only difference on this code is the url was MessagePopup.aspx, not asmx. Thanks guys.