



This seems to be a problem related to Safari only. I've tried 4 on mac and 3 on windows and am still having no luck.

What I'm trying to do is load an external html file and have the Javascript that is embedded execute.

The code I'm trying to use is this:

$("#myBtn").click(function() {

trackingCode.html looks like this (simple now, but will expand once/if I get this working):

    <title>Tracking HTML File</title>
    <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
     alert("outside the jQuery ready");
     $(function() {
      alert("inside the jQuery ready");


I'm seeing both alert messages in IE (6 & 7) and Firefox (2 & 3). However, I am not able to see the messages in Safari (the last browser that I need to be concerned with - project requirements - please no flame wars).

Any thoughts on why Safari is ignoring the Javascript in the trackingCode.html file?

Eventually I'd like to be able to pass Javascript objects to this trackingCode.html file to be used within the jQuery ready call, but I'd like to make sure this is possible in all browsers before I go down that road.

Thanks for your help!

+13  A: 

You are loading an entire HTML page into your div, including the html, head and body tags. What happens if you do the load and just have the opening script, closing script, and JavaScript code in the HTML that you load?

Here is the driver page:

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title>jQuery Load of Script</title>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""&gt;&lt;/script&gt;
<script type="text/javascript">
   google.load("jquery", "1.3.2");
<script type="text/javascript">
    $("#myButton").click(function() {
<button id="myButton">Click Me</button>
<div id="myDiv"></div>

Here is the contents of trackingCode.html:

<script type="text/javascript">
    alert("Outside the jQuery ready");
    $(function() {
    alert("Inside the jQuery ready");

This works for me in Safari 4.

Tony Miller
Got it, thanks Tony! Removing the <html>, <head> and <body> tags seemed to do the trick.
i was wandering whether i should do a seperate ajax call getJson() because i heard of this.. But if it works like that it is ok!! I would call the same queries twice otherwise
+1  A: 

Ignore this, I misunderstood!

I assume you have included the jquery js in there somewhere and left it out of your code example?

Because if I include jquery, this works great in Safari on the PC...

Betcha you nailed it :)
Right, so there's two pages, the first (which includes the jQuery click event contains the reference to the jQuery framework) and the second (which is to be loaded into the first - trackingCode.html in this example).The second doesn't even render the first alert message (which is outside of the jQuery ready function).
hold on a minute... OK, I see what you are doing but it is not going to work. You can't stick an <html>...</html> block inside of a div and expect that to work... I misinterpreted what you were doing because it is so.. bizarre. Tony Miller's on the right track below
This functionality is not bizarre, but quite common. Consider lightboxes, and such. They don't load the HTML tags, but it is essentially what Mike is trying to do. It is basically a client-side user control.

Test with this in trackingCode.html:

$(function() { show_alert(); function show_alert() { alert("Inside the jQuery ready"); } });

@Tony Miller

Your code is not actually working in FF (IE8 - working fine). Is there a way to make this work in all the browsers?


Maxim Galushka
Sounds like you have a typo.

Hmm just ran into the same issue...

I'm thinking of moving it into my javascript main file, and executing it after it's loaded... =\


I realize this is somewhat of an older post, but for anyone that comes to this page looking for a similar solution...

jQuery.getScript( url, [ success(data, textStatus) ] )
  • url - A string containing the URL to which the request is sent.

  • success(data, textStatus) - A callback function that is executed if the request succeeds.

$.getScript('ajax/test.js', function() {
  alert('Load was performed.');

Hey mate,

Thanks heaps for that last post "better late than never" ;-) really helped!

down voted, this is not an answer to the question.

Well I had the same problem that only seemed to happen for Firefox, and I couldn't use another JQuery command except for .load() since I was modifying the front-end on exisitng PHP files...

Anyways, after using the .load() command, I embedded my JQuery script within the external HTML that was getting loaded in, and it seemed to work. I don't understand why the JS that I loaded at the top of the main document didn't work for the new content however...

Victor G. Reano

This doesn't seem to work if you're loading the HTML field into a dynamically created element.

$('body').append('<div id="loader"></div>');

I look at firebug DOM and there is no script node at all, only the HTML and my CSS node.

Anyone have come across this?

Yup, same problem.
I had to load the html, then in the callback, use $.getScript to get the javascript.


yeah I'm having the same problems, I can't seem to be able to load content into dynamically created elements either. Did you ever find what the problem was? I'd love to know the answer

also not an answer

Am I correct in thinking that jQuery is purging anything and everything inside the head tag?

Yes, that is the difference in the answer marked correct.