



I am new to programming. I have been trying to write a function in C++ that explodes the contents of a string into a string array at a given parameter, example:

string str = "___this_ is__ th_e str__ing we__ will use__";

should return string array:

cout << stringArray[0]; // 'this'
cout << stringArray[1]; // ' is'
cout << stringArray[2]; // ' th'
cout << stringArray[3]; // 'e str'
cout << stringArray[4]; // 'ing we'
cout << stringArray[5]; // ' will use'

I can tokenize the string just fine, but the hardest part for me is how can i specify the number of elements in stringArray before assigning it the current string toke and also how to return stringArray from the function.


Edit1: I don't necessarily need the results to been in string array just any container that i can call as a regular variable with some sort of indexing.

+1  A: 

If you insist on making stringArray an array as oppossed to a std::vector<> (which would be the right thing to do) you have to either:

  1. Make two passes (one to count, you see)
  2. Implement a dynamic array yourself.

Using a vector is easier vector::push_back() appends new stuff to the end. So:

vector* explode(string s){
  vector<string> *v = new vector<string>
  // in a loop
  return v;

Not needed after all Left in for completeness.

To return the array of strings you use char **.

As in

char ** explode(const char *in){


BTW-- How will the calling function know how many elements are in the returned array? You'll have to solve that too. Use std::vector<> unless you are constrained by outside forces...

Magnus Skog
@Magnus: Oops. Thanks.
I think passing a stack allocated vector back, or taking in a reference to a vector to fill would be a better choice then allocating a raw vector in the function, then passing the delete responsibility to the client.
@GMan: Perhaps you are right. I still speak c++ in translation, and have a lot of c habits that hang around...
+1  A: 

You can use a vector of string (std::vector<std::string>), append each token to it with push_back, and then return it from your tokenize function.

+1  A: 

Use std::vector as a dynamic array and return that as your result.

+1  A: 

Use std::vector<string>.

+1  A: 

Perhaps you should use a list instead of an array. That way you would not need to know the number of elements ahead of time. You may also consider using the STL containers.

+2  A: 

Here's my first attempt at this using vectors and strings:

vector<string> explode(const string& str, const char& ch) {
    string next = "";
    vector<string> result;

    // For each character in the string
    for (string::const_iterator it = str.begin(); it != str.end(); it++) {
     // If we've hit the terminal character
     if (*it == ch) {
      // If we have some characters accumulated
      if (next.length() > 0) {
       // Add them to the result vector
       next = "";
     } else {
      // Accumulate the next character into the sequence
      next += *it;

    return result;

Hopefully this gives you some sort of idea of how to go about this. On your example string it returns the correct results with this test code:

int main (int, char const **) {
    std::string blah = "___this_ is__ th_e str__ing we__ will use__";
    std::vector<std::string> result = explode(blah, '_');

    for (size_t i = 0; i < result.size(); i++) {
     cout << "\"" << result[i] << "\"" << endl;
    return 0;
Eric Scrivner
The first parameter to explode() should be a constant reference. Compiler will then complain, so 'it' needs to be a string::const_iterator.
Magnus Skog
@Magnus: Thanks, added that fix :)
Eric Scrivner
+1  A: 

Using STL (sorry no compiler not tested)

#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>

int main()
    std::vector<std::string>   result;

    std::string str = "___this_ is__ th_e str__ing we__ will use__";

    std::stringstream  data(str);

    std::string line;
        result.push_back(line); // Note: You may get a couple of blank lines
                                // When multiple underscores are beside each other.

// or define a token

#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <iterator>
#include <algorithm>
#include <sstream>

struct Token: public std::string  // Yes I know this is nasty.
{                                 // But it is just to demosntrate the principle.    

std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& s,Token& t)

    // *** 
    // Remove extra '_' characters from the stream.
    char c;
    while(s && ((c = s.get()) != '_')) {/*Do Nothing*/}
    if (s)
        s.unget(); // Put back the last char as it is not '_'
    return s;

int main()
    std::vector<std::string>   result;

    std::string str = "___this_ is__ th_e str__ing we__ will use__";

    std::stringstream  data(str);

Martin York
So add the check inside the while loop to skip empty "line"s.
That's an excercise for the user.
Martin York

Wait until your data structures class and then code it with a linked list. If it is for homework though, you may be able to get away with just initing the array be very large.


The code below:

template <typename OutputIterator> int explode(const string &s, const char c, OutputIterator output) { stringstream data(s); string line; int i=0; while(std::getline(data,line,c)) { *output++ = line; i++; } return i; }

int main(...) { string test="H:AMBV4:2:182.45:182.45:182.45:182.45:182.41:32:17700:3229365:201008121711:0"; cout << test << endl; vector<string> event; **This is the main call** int evts = explode(test,':', back_inserter(event)); for (int k=0; k<evts; k++) cout << event[k] << "~"; cout << endl; }

Outputs H:AMBV4:2:182.45:182.45:182.45:182.45:182.41:32:17700:3229365:201008121711:0 H~AMBV4~2~182.45~182.45~182.45~182.45~182.41~32~17700~3229365~201008121711~0~

Paulo Lellis