Imagina a sine wave oscillating about a zero line. My task is to calculate the slope at several random points along the wave using a fairly coarse x axis scale. (yes this has a real application)
When the wave is in +ve terrirtory (above the zero line) slope can be calculated from:
Slope = (y(n) / y(n-1)) - 1
This yeilds +ve slope vlaues heading up and -ve heading down.
The problem is that this must be switched when we are in -ve territory and then two more expressions are required when one of the vlaues is zero for a total of four expressions that must be chosen programatically with a conditional statements.
I would like to find ONE expression that covers all four condtions as this is at the center of a heavily travelled algorithm and clks count!
I am sure this would be a trivial solution for a math genius, but to these tired eyes, it eludes me...
The "sine wave" is actually an MACD indicator that is derived from (random) price action of financial markets. an example would be here:
The slope (of the thick black line in the lower graph for example) is what I need to calculate here defined simply as up or down (where heading up is +ve)
The problem is that both +ve and -ve slope can occur above and below zero. A slope calcualtion may also occur using increments that cross the zero line and at the zero line.
It would be nice to find a solution that not involve a ton of IF statements... like for example, shifing all the y values by a fixed amount so they become +ve and then calculating slope in the +ve region. I would need to pick a number that historically, y has never been below, like a couple of orders of magnitude for example (99) and then I could perform the offest and one slope calculation?