




Hello all,

I have a table which has two columns start time and end time. I am able to calculate the time duration for each row but I also want to get the total duration. how to do this.


+2  A: 

You could use this query (it works on an Oracle DB at least):

select sum(end_date - start_date) from your_table
when i run this query it says that inconsistent datatypes. I am using oracle as the database.
Amit Goyal
This most likely means that your start_date and end_date fields are of different types, but if you say you can calculate the time difference for each row, this might not be the case.
the data type is timestamp
Amit Goyal
Can you please paste the SQL that defines the table?
Thanks a lot for the reply Sevas....I have solved my issue with Rob's help........thanks a lot
Amit Goyal
+1  A: 

EDIT: Added trunc() before summing based on Rob van Wijk's excellent reply.

To find the duration per row:

    end_date-start_date as DurationDays, 
    (end_date-start_date)*24 as DurationHours, 
    (end_date-start_date)*24*60 as DurationMinutes, 
    (end_date-start_date)*24*60*60 as DurationSeconds
from your_table

To find the total duration:

    sum(trunc(end_date-start_date)) as TotalDurationDays
from your_table

To do both in one query:

    end_date-start_date as DurationDays, 
    (select sum(trunc(end_date-start_date)) from your_table) as TotalDurationDays
from your_table
when i run this query it says that inconsistent datatypes. I am using oracle as the database.
Amit Goyal
Can you post the output of "DESCRIBE your_table" ?
Thanks a lot for the reply Andomar....I have solved my issue with Rob's help........thanks a lot
Amit Goyal
+5  A: 

Your columns are of datatype TIMESTAMP, like this:

SQL> create table mytable (start_time,end_time)
  2  as
  3  select to_timestamp('2009-05-01 12:34:56','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss')
  4       , to_timestamp('2009-05-01 23:45:01','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss')
  5    from dual
  6   union all
  7  select to_timestamp('2009-05-01 23:45:01','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss')
  8       , to_timestamp('2009-05-02 01:23:45','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss')
  9    from dual
 10   union all
 11  select to_timestamp('2009-05-01 07:00:00','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss')
 12       , to_timestamp('2009-05-01 08:00:00','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss')
 13    from dual
 14  /

Tabel is aangemaakt.

Subtracting one timestamp from another, leads to an INTERVAL datatype:

SQL> select start_time
  2       , end_time
  3       , end_time - start_time time_difference
  4    from mytable
  5  /

START_TIME                     END_TIME                       TIME_DIFFERENCE
------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------
01-05-09 12:34:56,000000000    01-05-09 23:45:01,000000000    +000000000 11:10:05.000000000
01-05-09 23:45:01,000000000    02-05-09 01:23:45,000000000    +000000000 01:38:44.000000000
01-05-09 07:00:00,000000000    01-05-09 08:00:00,000000000    +000000000 01:00:00.000000000

3 rijen zijn geselecteerd.

And INTERVAL datatypes cannot be summed. It's an annoying restriction:

SQL> select sum(end_time - start_time)
  2    from mytable
  3  /
select sum(end_time - start_time)
FOUT in regel 1:
.ORA-00932: inconsistente gegevenstypen: NUMBER verwacht, INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND gekregen

To circumvent this restriction, you can convert and calculate with the number of seconds, like this:

SQL> select start_time
  2       , end_time
  3       , trunc(end_time) - trunc(start_time) days_difference
  4       , to_number(to_char(end_time,'sssss')) - to_number(to_char(start_time,'sssss')) seconds_difference
  5    from mytable
  6  /

START_TIME                     END_TIME                       DAYS_DIFFERENCE SECONDS_DIFFERENCE
------------------------------ ------------------------------ --------------- ------------------
01-05-09 12:34:56,000000000    01-05-09 23:45:01,000000000                  0              40205
01-05-09 23:45:01,000000000    02-05-09 01:23:45,000000000                  1             -80476
01-05-09 07:00:00,000000000    01-05-09 08:00:00,000000000                  0               3600

3 rijen zijn geselecteerd.

And then they are normal NUMBERs that can be summed

SQL> select sum
  2         (  86400 * (trunc(end_time) - trunc(start_time))
  3          + to_number(to_char(end_time,'sssss')) - to_number(to_char(start_time,'sssss'))
  4         ) total_time_difference
  5    from mytable
  6  /


1 rij is geselecteerd.

And if you wish, you can convert this number back to an INTERVAL:

SQL> select numtodsinterval
  2         ( sum
  3           (  86400 * (trunc(end_time) - trunc(start_time))
  4            + to_number(to_char(end_time,'sssss')) - to_number(to_char(start_time,'sssss'))
  5           )
  6         , 'second'
  7         ) time_difference
  8    from mytable
  9  /

+000000000 13:48:49.000000000

1 rij is geselecteerd.

Regards, Rob.

Rob van Wijk
+1 Very educating, I assumed that trunc() was Oracle's name for round()
trunc() cuts of the time part of a date/timestamp. Truncating 2009-05-01 23:59:59 leads to 2009-05-01 00:00:00. Rounding leads to 2009-05-02 00:00:00.
Rob van Wijk
+1 very through, well done.
Tom Leys
Thanks Rob for the Reply. Its working now by implementing your above code. Thanks again........
Amit Goyal

This method for Oracle is simple, a bit of a hack though:

select sum((end_timestamp+0) - (start_timestamp+0)) 
from your_table

Result is a NUMBER of days (with fractional part for hours, minutes and you know).

I don't know what timestamp + 0 does exactly; maybe the ANSI timestamp gets converted to Oracle's earlier timestamp type that allows simple arithmetic.
