I’m trying to run this sql using get external ..
it work but when I try to rename the subqurrys or anything for that matter it remove it.
I tried as, as and the name in '', as then the name in "", and the same with space. what is the right way to do that?
sql for completeness sake
select list_name, app_name, (select fname + ' ' + lname from dbo.d_agent_define map where map.agent_id = tac.agent_id) as agent_login, input, convert(varchar,dateadd(ss,TAC_BEG_tstamp,'01/01/1970')) from dbo.maps_report_list list join dbo.report_tac_agent tac on (tac.list_id = list.list_id) where input = 'SYS_ERR' and app_name = 'CHARLOTT' and convert(varchar,dateadd(ss,day_tstamp,'01/01/1970'),101) = '09/10/2008' and list_name LIKE 'NRBAD%' order by agent_login,convert(varchar,dateadd(ss,TAC_BEG_tstamp,'01/01/1970'))