Hi everyone,
I'm building an emailing system for a framework I'm developing. Thus far, I've got a generic MailMessage interface that every different type of email message will implement, something along the lines of
public interface MailMessage {
public String[] getTo();
public void setTo(String[] to);
public String getFrom();
public void setFrom(String from);
// you can guess the setters/getters here
I've then got a SimpleMailMessage that's exactly what you would expect as a simple implementation of the interface (no encryption or encoding, just plain text).
I've created an MailMessageFactory interface that's used as an abstract factory. I've got a SimpleMailMessageFactory that implements the factory to produce instances of SimpleMailMessage.
One type of email I'd like to the framework to send is an Alert mail message, that is essentially a regular mail message except with "[Alert]" prefixed to the subject line (Another might be a email containing a "list" of order items, but I'm not sure of where the responsibility falls for converting the list to a String for an email lies). I can either subclass the SimpleMailMessage and override the setSubject(String subject) method to something like
public class AlertMailMessage {
public void setSuject(String subject) {
this.to = "[Alert]" + to;
Or I can create a decorator:
public abstract class EmailDecorator implements MailMessage {
protected MailMessage email;
// delegate all implemented methods to email
public class AlertEmailDecorator extends EmailDecorator {
public void setSubject(String subject) {
email.setSubject("[Alert]" + subject);
Or I can just delegate adding the "[Alert]" string in the SimpleMailMessageFactory.
Thoughts on what I have? I think the problem is that I might be too thoughtful and forward-thinking, but I want the perfect design.