





I know this is not exactly programming related, but wondering how do you go about the whole appraisal formality? I would like to know what questions are apt to be asked to a programmer in a self-appraisal form? Should I also give them a performance review also? How do I go about the whole process with the programmers in mind?

I know the Joel Spolsky said in one of his posts that they give a sort-of a rating to each employee and then accordingly give salaries. Is that the best method? What do you think is the best way to go about the whole situation?

Thank you for your time.

+2  A: 

It is very important that before you give an appraisal you have agreed objectives with the employee. Without this it is very likely that your appraisal will seem like a witch hunt.

+1  A: 

I think the best thing you need is for the employees to be aware of how they are graded/reviewed.

Have the employee do a self-review to see how aware he or she is of their shortcomings, their strengths and their long term goals. I would say these are important and some value can be taken from them.

Then when reviewing multiple employees for salaries or raises - just do a ranking system. Not everyone is going to be a rock-star....

+1  A: 

For self-appraisal, the programmer competency matrix is seriously flawed, yet rather useful. (And the flaws make good discussion points, anyway. Beware anybody who doesn't point them out!)

Curt Sampson
Thanks for the link. It's flawed beyond belief (and I'd imagine 10 different people could come up with 10 different ways in which it's flawed) but it is an interesting starting point.
Jon Hopkins