



How to handle invalid URLs in MVC?

For ex.: When the user enters http://localhost/User/MyProfile instead of http://localhost/User/Profile, it will throw an exception.

How to handle this request?


I think every request should be redirected to the front controller, so wrap your code inside a try/catch block that will intercept the exception, and maybe you can redirect to the homepage in the catch block or simply raise a 404 error with an exception handler.

What is your server language ?

i am using MVC with C#.
It's tagged
Arnis L.
Sorry for being irrelevant ^^
+1  A: 

Did you mean this?

// Show a 404 error page for anything else.
    routes.MapRoute("Error", "{*url}",
    new { controller = "Error", action = "404" }
Arnis L.
ya exactly like that, but when i used that code, its not redirecting to the specified page. Still showing "The resource cannot be found.". I have added the following in Global.asax.cs:routes.MapRoute("Error", "{*url}", new { controller = "Home", action = "Index" });
+3  A: 

You need first to add a custom Error page url in the web.config:

<customErrors mode="On" defaultRedirect="~/Error/404" />

And add a controller to handle the invalid urls:

public class ErrorController:Controller
        public ActionResult Error404()
            return View("Error");

And if you want to redirect the user to the home page then you don't need the Error controller just modify the custom error tag:

<customErrors mode="On" defaultRedirect="~/Home/Index" />
Marwan Aouida
This seems correct...
Arnis L.
Thanks marwan and Arnis. It worked
Actually, i will need this soon. I helped myself too (favorited this question).
Arnis L.