
Why is this query string invalid?

In my mvc page I create a link that renders as followed: http://localhost:3035/Formula/OverView?colorId=349405&paintCode=744&name=BRILLANT%20SILVER&formulaId=570230 According to the W3C validator, this is not correct and it errors after the first ampersand. It complains about the & not being encoded and the enti...

Invalid Webresource.axd parameters being generated.

Edit 6/8/09: While this issue is marked as closed, this is because it had a bounty on it, and automatically closed. The issue is not actually resolved. It strongly looks now like this issue is not, in fact, related to ASP.NET or WebResource.axd directly...but is, instead, a problem with IE 8.0. Please see the modified question on Stac...

Handle Invalid URL in MVC

How to handle invalid URLs in MVC? For ex.: When the user enters http://localhost/User/MyProfile instead of http://localhost/User/Profile, it will throw an exception. How to handle this request? ...