Hi I did a uf command in windbg after attaching notepad.exe Command was uf notepad!WinMain i got the following output
0:000> uf notepad!WinMain
0021138d mov edi,edi
0021138f push ebp
00211390 mov ebp,esp
00211392 sub esp,1Ch
00211395 push esi
00211396 push edi
00211397 push 6
002113c8 test eax,eax
002113ca jl notepad!WinMain+0x118 (00211c93)
002113d0 push ebx
002113d1 push dword ptr [ebp+14h]
002113d4 push edi
002113d5 call notepad!SkipProgramName (00213170)
002113e5 je notepad!WinMain+0x10e (00211ca9)
002113eb push esi
002113ec push esi
002113ed call dword ptr [notepad!_imp__GetCurrentProcessId (00211084)]
and so on.. If you notice after every jump instruction it creates a new block like
002113ca jl notepad!WinMain+0x118 (00211c93)
and at
002113e5 je notepad!WinMain+0x10e (00211ca9)
So what i wanted to know a setting in WinDbg where i can omit the creation of the new block on every jump for a function disassembly. Why can't i get the output the way i get it with U command?
So i am looking for an option like this
002113c8 test eax,eax002113ca
jl notepad!WinMain+0x118 (00211c93)
**blank line omitted**
**notepad!WinMain+0x43:** omitted**
002113d0 push ebx002113d1 push dword ptr [ebp+14h]
Any help?