I'm reading from a binary data file which is written by invoking the following lines in Matlab m-file:
disp(sprintf('template = %d', fwrite(fid, template_1d, 'uint8')));AFAIK, uint8 is the same size as the types BYTE, unsigned char, and unsigned short. Hence I have written the following code in a file-reading method in a C++ class instantiated in the mexfunction called by Matlab:
template1D = (unsigned short*) malloc(Nimgs*sizeof(unsigned short)); printf("template1D = %d\n", fread(template1D, sizeof(unsigned short), Nimgs, dfile));
and the following is how I deallocated this member variable in the class destructor's helper function:
free((void*) template1D);
In the main mexfunction, when I did not instantiate the class object to persist in memory after mex-function completes by calling mexMakeMemoryPersistent() function, template1D gets cleared properly without segmentation error messages from Matlab. However, if I did instantiate the class to persist in memory as follows:
if (!dasani) { dasani = new NeedleUSsim; mexMakeMemoryPersistent((void*) dasani); mexAtExit(ExitFcn); }
with ExitFcn being:
void ExitFcn() { delete dasani; }
then when I'm at the line of free((void*) template1D);, Matlab gives me an error message about the segmentation fault. I have checked the memory sizes and they seem to be consistent. For the malloc/calloc/free functions, I'm using Matlab's mxMalloc/mxCalloc/mxFree functions when I'm executing the C++ project as a Matlab mex function.
Based on this description, what further suggestions would you have for me to solve this problem and ensure this doesn't happen in the future (or at least know how to deal with similar problems like this in the future)?
Thanks in advance.
The following block of code basically shows the jists of my mex file. A mex file is basically an executable that is run in Matlab and compiled from C/C++ code with some Matlab headers.
void ExitFcn() { delete dasani; } void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[]) { needle_info pin; // check number of i/o if they are correct if (nrhs != NUMIN) { mexErrMsgTxt("Invalid number of input arguments"); } else if (nlhs != NUMOUT) { mexErrMsgTxt("Invalid number of output arguments"); } // check if the input is noncomplex if (mxIsComplex(NEEDLE)) { mexErrMsgTxt("Input must be a noncomplex scalar integer."); } // check if the dimensions of the needle information is valid int needlerows, needlecols; needlerows = mxGetM(NEEDLE); needlecols = mxGetN(NEEDLE);
if (needlerows < 1 || needlecols < 6)
{ mexErrMsgTxt("Needle information's dimensions are invalid"); } float *needlePoint, *yPoint ; // retrieving current needle information // order of the variables are always as follows: // r, theta, l, rho, alpha, beta needlePoint = (float*) mxGetData(NEEDLE) ; pin.r = needlePoint[0]; pin.theta = needlePoint[1]; pin.l = needlePoint[2]; pin.rho = needlePoint[3]; pin.alpha = needlePoint[4]; pin.beta = needlePoint[5]; //// read the file inputs **//if (!dasani) //{ // dasani = new NeedleUSsim; // mexMakeMemoryPersistent((void*) dasani); // mexAtExit(ExitFcn); //} dasani = new NeedleUSsim; delete dasani;** // sending an useless output for now (get rid of this if not conceptually needed plhs[0] = mxCreateNumericMatrix(1,1,mxSINGLE_CLASS,mxREAL) ; yPoint = (float*) mxGetData(plhs[0]) ; *yPoint = 1; }
This code would run after build/compilation if the user invokes "mexfunction" anywhere from the command line or m-file script. The snippet enclosed by "**" (when I was trying to bold the snippet) is the problem that I'm looking at. From a second look at the snippet, I may be allocating the memory for dasani pointer in a different memory from the Matlab memory (as there is the memory with scope limited to the C++ mex function only, and another memory space with scope visible to the Matlab program). Otherwise, I'm not sure why Matlab is complaining about this problem.