Hi guys..
I'm new to PHP development and I just used Zend yesterday. One problem I'm having is saving the file in a directory that is read-only.
I'm using Zend studio to develop PHP scripts. I have XAMPP installed in my Ubuntu in /opt/lampp/ directory.
Now the /opt/lampp/htdocs directory requires privilege access. I can't save anything there. It requires me to sudo everything. I know this is for security reason.
Now, I can just sudo gedit index.php inside the opt/lampp/htdocs/project directory and save the file there. But I want to use my Zend Studio to develop scripts.
When I opened the file inside /opt/lampp/htdocs/project/index.php inside Zend. I can't save it there. The save could not be completed because parent of resource is marked as read-only
Now I dont want to modify the directory to be read/write, I just want to use Zend Studio and allow zend to save files inside the directory.. Please guide me!