



Environment: HP laptop with Windows XP SP2

I had created some encrypted files using GnuPG (gpg) for Windows. Yesterday, my hard disk failed so I had reimage the hard disk. I have now reinstalled gpg and regenerated my keys using the same passphrase as earlier. But, I am now unable to decrypt the files. I get the following error:

C:\sureshr>gpg -a c:\sureshr\work\passwords.gpg
gpg: encrypted with 1024-bit ELG-E key, ID 279AB302, created 2008-07-21
      "Suresh Ramaswamy (AAA) BBB"
gpg: decryption failed: secret key not available

C:\sureshr>gpg --list-keys
C:/Documents and Settings/sureshr/Application Data/gnupg\pubring.gpg
pub   1024D/80059241 2008-07-21
uid                  Suresh Ramaswamy (AAA) BBB
sub   1024g/279AB302 2008-07-21

AAA = gpg comment
BBB = my email address

I am sure that I am using the correct passphrase. What exactly does this error mean? How do I tell gpg where to find my secret key?



+4  A: 

Yes, your secret key appears to be missing. Without it, you will not be able to decrypt the files.

Do you have the key backed up somewhere?

Re-creating the keys, whether you use the same passphrase or not, will not work. Each key pair is unique.

David Precious
+1  A: 

when reimporting your keys from the old keyring, you need to specify the command:

gpg --allow-secret-key-import --import <keyring>

otherwise it will only import the public keys, not the private keys.


workmad3 is apparently out of date, at least for current gpg, as the --allow-secret-key-import is now obsolete and does nothing.

What happened to me was that I failed to export properly. Just doing gpg --export is not adequate, as it only exports the public keys. When exporting keys, you have to do

gpg --export-secret-keys >keyfile
Randy Fay

The resolution to this problem for me, was to notify the sender that he did use the Public key that I sent them but rather someone elses. You should see the key that they used. Tell them to use the correct one.


As Bill said, the file was most likely encrypted with someone else's, corrupt, expired or revoked public key.


I am getting this message as well. I have a file I created a while ago using someone else's key and dont have the original files anymore. I dont know their passphrase so I assume I cant open the encrypted file.

Can someone confirm that for me?

