Why does my D2009 exe produce emails with attachments named ATTnnnnn.DAT when the same source code compiled in D2007 produces emails with attachments correctly named with the original file name?
I am using the respective Indy libraries that come with D2007 and D2009. Not having the original file name on the attachment prevents users from being able to double click the attachment to open it (typically attachments are Excel spreadsheets).
Note: code is identical - just the compiler and Indy libraries vary. The attachment sent by the D2009 exe can be saved and renamed to say zzzz.xls and then opens correctly -- ie the email and attachment go through correctly -- it is just the email attachment file name that is messed up.
Someone suggested the attachment headers are corrupted. Has Indy been broken? The code to reproduce is stock standard code that can be found on many websites, but I can post if necessary. Thx in advance.