Aside from the fact that a base class needs a virtual destructor or a protected non-virtual destructor you are making the following assertion in your design:
Rates, and Charges for that matter, ARE THE SAME AS a vector of doubles in your example above. By your own assertion " time goes by, Rates and Charges develop personalities..." then is the assertion that Rates ARE STILL THE SAME AS a vector of doubles at this point? A vector of doubles is not a singleton for example therefore if I use your Rates to declare my vector of doubles for Widgets I may incur some headache from your code. What else about Rates and Charges are subject to change? Are any of the base class changes safely insulated from clients of your design should they change in a fundamental way?
The point is a class is an element, of many in C++, to express design intentions. Saying what you mean and meaning what you say is the reason against using inheritance in this manner.
...Or just posted more succinctly before my response: Substitution.