




How can I remove a previously installed development provisioning profile from xcode?

+1  A: 

It sounds like you'd want to remove it from your iPhone. I'm not in front of my Mac at the moment but I believe that within XCode there is an Organizer (Look under the view menu option, make sure your iPhone is plugged in) you can open up where you can access your provisioning profile to remove or replace it. I'll check when I get home and update this answer.

Also, if you need to remove just the provisioning file for a single project you can do so by navigating to the build folder of your project and deleting it from there.

If you need to remove your signing keys you can do that through your keychain admin tool.

Edit: Within XCode goto Window->Organizer This will open up the organizer. From there you can do what you need to do to remove the provisioning file.

+5  A: 

They're stored in: ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles

You'll want to restart XCode to refresh the list.
