I am pulling my hair out on this one. I am trying to send a message to a window in another process. I keep getting Access Denied (0x5) from GetLastError() after calling SendMessage or PostMessage or PostThreadMessage. I have tried turning off UAC. I have also accounted for UIPI by ensuring that the Integrity Levels match accross processes. (I checked with Process Explorer from SysInternals, now MS) I also turned off Windows Defender with no luck. I can send a message to the window from inside the process just fine, but from outside I get bupkus! This seems like some sort of security issue but I have no idea what it is as both processes have the same Integrity Level (medium - decimal 8192)
Code from DLL sending the message
UINT MsgCode = ::RegisterWindowMessage(_T("MESSAGE_CODING_STRING"));
DWORD errorcode = ::GetLastError();
Selected Code from recieving Window
BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CMessageMailBox, CDialog)
// Class Constructor
CMessageMailBox::CMessageMailBox(CWnd* pParent /*=NULL*/)
: CDialog(CMessageMailBox::IDD, pParent){
MsgCode = ::RegisterWindowMessage(_T("MESSAGE_CODING_STRING"));
//Message Handler
afx_msg LRESULT CMessageMailBox::TextFromApp(WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam){
::MessageBox(NULL,L"message recieved",L"yea!",MB_OK);
return 0L;