



In the onCreate() of my "main" class I'm checking some things and occasionally need to show a popup. The popup is just another Activity which has been themed as @android:style/Theme.Dialog in the Manifest file. This has worked perfectly for months, but now that I'm on Cupcake it's basically just drawing the screen as all black.

Here's what I've noticed so far:

  • If, once on the popup screen, I hit the back key then it'll go back to the main screen just fine (and even show the animation of what it should have looked like closing).
  • If I tell the Activity to not have any specific theme then it works fine (though un-themed).
  • If I set the theme manually from inside the pop up Activity's onCreate() (via setTheme(; ), then it works fine.

Can someone explain why setting this in the Manifest no longer works for me?

Did I manage to find an actual bug in Android itself?