Bear in mind that the locking is very expensive, and it happens every time you hand objects around between smart pointers - even when the object is currently owned by one thread (the smart pointer library doesn't know that).
Given this, there may be a rule of thumb applicable here (I'm happy to be corrected!)
If the follow things apply to you:
- You have complex data structures that would be difficult to write destructors for (or where STL-style value semantics would be inappropriate, by design) so you need smart pointers to do it for you, and
- You're using multiple threads that share these objects, and
- You care about performance as well as correctness
... then actual garbage collection may be a better choice. Although GC has a bad reputation for performance, it's all relative. I believe it compares very favourably with locking smart pointers. It was an important part of why the CLR team chose true GC instead of something using reference counting. See this article, in particular this stark comparison of what reference assignment means if you have counting going on:
no ref-counting:
a = b;
ref counting:
if (a != null)
if (InterlockedDecrement(ref a.m_ref) == 0)
if (b != null)
InterlockedIncrement(ref b.m_ref);
a = b;