Ok, I feel better now. And why sleep when you can analyze linear equations in the middle of the night? :)
First of all, lets assume that all your matrixes are of order n x n. The cholesky factorization can then be done in O(n^3/6) operations (for large values of n).
Solving B*c(i) = y(i) or L*L'c(i) = y(i) (cholesky) is 2O(n^2/2) or O(n^2), but solving BC=Y is solving n of these equations (because Y is n x n), so at total we have O(n^3)
Solving D' is obviously analogous to this, so another O(n^3)
Transposing D' to D is rougly O(n^2), no calculations though, just swapping of data (apart from the diagonal elements which of course are the same).
Solving E in BE = A in the second formula is backwards substitution of cholesky factorization once more, so O(n^3)
A' * E is n^2 * (n mult and n-1 add) which is O(2*n^3 - n^2)
This sums up to: O(n^3/6) + 3*O(n^3) + O(n^2) + O(2*n^3 - n^2) ~ O(31*n^3/6) ~ O(5*n^3) (for large values of n)
Note that I haven't calculated the matrix additions/subtractions, but this isn't relevant because they will be the same if we decide to invert B. I have also skipped A to A' for the same reasons.
Ok, so how expensive is inverting a matrix? Well we wan to solve the matrix equation:
B * inv(B) = I, which is the same as solving B * x(i) = e(i) for i=1..n, where e(i) are the base unit vectors in I. This is usually done by using gauss elimination to transform the system to a triangular form, which takes about O(n^3/3) operations. When the triangulation is made it takes O(n^2/2) operations to solve it (backwards substitution). But this has to be done n times, which gives us a total of O(n^4/3) + O(n^3/2) operations, so as you can see we are already over the edge.
However, calculating inv(B) when knowing the cholesky factorization of B is O(n^3) (because solving L*L'*inv(B) = I is the same as solving BE=A)
So we then have: O(n^3/6) (cholesky of B) + O(n^3) (calculating inv(B) with cholesky) + 4*O(2n^3-n^2) (four matrix multiplications) ~ O(9*n^3) which is a little bit better, but still worse.
So I suggest that you stay with your current approach. But you have to keep in mind that this is for large values of n. Unless n is 100+ I dont think it matters that much anyway.
Hope this helped some.