



I've nearly completed developing a game for Windows and I'm curious where I should have the installer install it. I know it used to be in "Program Files" but has that changed under Vista?

I know that World of Warcraft now installs under Users/Public/Games... what is the Microsoft-recommended location for games?

+2  A: 

You should use the Environment variables.

Namely %PROGRAMFILES% for you.

Just read the question a little more thoroughly. From my experience of Vista, most of the gubbins still install to %PROGRAMFILES%. Perhaps the /users/public... path is somewhere where things can install (and update) without having to get admin perms all the time. (A complete guess)

Yeah I think there's patching issues with using Program Files.
+1  A: 

Looks like you should use SHGetKnownFolderPath to ask for the location of the FOLDERID_Games KNOWNFOLDERID.

EDIT: Nope, doesn't look like that is right. This thread has a discussion of FOLDERID_Games and notes that it is a virtual directory. This knowledgebase article discusses the Windows Vista Games Explorer. And this article has some more Vista specific information.

Sorry - this has turned into a non-answer but maybe the links will help you find the answer.

sean e
+2  A: 

In Vista, the recommended directory is still %PROGRAMFILES%.

Note that in Windows 7, Microsoft has enabled the creation of true per-user installations, including support for per-user Program Files. This is a feature of Windows Installer 5.0, and you can read more about it here:

William Leara

The recommended directory is still Program Files, as everyone has said. However, if you want a per-user install, you could install it in the AppData folder. I know Google Chrome does this to allow installation without being an administrator, and also for user-specific installation.

Do you have any links to back this up? It's not that I don't believe you I just want to be doubly sure.
Back what up? That Google Chrome does it?