



I have 5 queries I'd like to join together. Basically what they do is they go though the database and select how much a tenant has paid, and how much a tenant owes based on how long ago he or she was charged.

I have four categories
Charge < 30 days old
Charge < 60 AND >= 30 days old
Charge < 90 AND >= 60 days old
Charge > 90 days old

I know how to get all those values separately, but how can I get them together, plus the amount the tenant has paid?

Here are my queries:
Amount the Tenant Has Paid

SELECT TransactionCode, TenantID, SUM(Amount) AS Paid FROM tblTransaction
WHERE Amount > 0
GROUP BY TransactionCode, TenantID

Charge is less than 30 days old

SELECT TransactionCode, TenantID, SUM(Amount) AS ChargedCurrent FROM tblTransaction
WHERE Amount < 0 AND TransactionDate > DATEADD("dd", -30, GETDATE())
GROUP BY TransactionCode, TenantID

Charge is less than 60 days old, but older than 29 days

SELECT TransactionCode, TenantID, SUM(Amount) AS ChargedOver30 FROM tblTransaction
WHERE Amount < 0 AND TransactionDate > DATEADD("dd", -60, GETDATE()) AND TransactionDate <= DATEADD("dd", -30, GETDATE())
GROUP BY TransactionCode, TenantID

Charge is less than 90 days old, but older than 59 days

SELECT TransactionCode, TenantID, SUM(Amount) AS ChargedOver60 FROM tblTransaction
WHERE Amount < 0 AND TransactionDate > DATEADD("dd", -90, GETDATE()) AND TransactionDate <= DATEADD("dd", -60, GETDATE())
GROUP BY TransactionCode, TenantID

Charge is older than 89 days

SELECT TransactionCode, TenantID, SUM(Amount) AS ChargedOver90 FROM tblTransaction
WHERE Amount < 0 AND TransactionDate <= DATEADD("dd", -90, GETDATE())
GROUP BY TransactionCode, TenantID

How can I get these all with one query?

+1  A: 

using UNION to stitch the result sets together would work. You may want to translate it using the PIVOT capabilities to get the amounts into separate columns. Sorry I can't be more specific, I don't have my notes and I don't know the exact syntax for this stuff off the top of my head.

Ian Jacobs
+6  A: 

It can be done like this:

SELECT TransactionCode, TenantID, 
SUM(CASE WHEN Amount > 0 then Amount ELSE 0 END) AS Paid,
SUM(CASE WHEN Amount < 0 AND TransactionDate > DATEADD("dd", -30, GETDATE()) THEN Amount ELSE 0 END) AS ChargedCurrent,  
SUM(CASE WHEN Amount < 0 AND TransactionDate > DATEADD("dd", -60, GETDATE()) AND TransactionDate <= DATEADD("dd", -30, GETDATE()) THEN Amount ELSE 0 END) AS ChargedOver30
SUM(CASE WHEN Amount < 0 AND TransactionDate > DATEADD("dd", -90, GETDATE()) AND TransactionDate <= DATEADD("dd", -60, GETDATE()) then Amount Else 0 END) AS ChargedOver60,
SUM(CASE WHEN Amount < 0 AND TransactionDate <= DATEADD("dd", -90, GETDATE()) THEN Amount ELSE 0 END) AS ChargedOver90 
FROM tblTransaction
GROUP BY TransactionCode, TenantID
Mitch Wheat
Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 2Incorrect syntax near ')'.
you need 'END' at the end of the CASE statements, this is T-SQL
Yep! ....
Mitch Wheat
The "GROUP BY TransactionCode, TenantID" will give a row for each TransactionCode, TenantID; I'm not sure what you mean?
Mitch Wheat
Nevermind, I'm off my rocker.

Add an extra column to each query

SELECT TransactionCode, TenantID, SUM(Amount) AS ChargedCurrent, 30 as [DaysLate] FROM tblTransaction...

and then UNION ALL the queries together

+1  A: 

If you can make the projection or shape of the query the same across all 5 individual queries, you can use a union to not only combine the queries into a single result, but also order the results. I'vee modified last column to be consistent and represent a state the charge is in for your to filter from the results:

SELECT TransactionCode, TenantID, SUM(Amount) [Amount], 'Paid' [Status]
FROM tblTransactionWHERE Amount > 0
GROUP BY TransactionCode, TenantID


SELECT TransactionCode, TenantID, SUM(Amount) [Amount], 'Charged Current' [Status]
FROM tblTransactionWHERE Amount < 0 AND TransactionDate > DATEADD("dd", -30, GETDATE())
GROUP BY TransactionCode, TenantID


SELECT TransactionCode, TenantID, SUM(Amount) [Amount], 'ChargedOver30' [Status]
FROM tblTransactionWHERE Amount < 0 AND TransactionDate > DATEADD("dd", -60, GETDATE()) AND TransactionDate <= DATEADD("dd", -30, GETDATE())
GROUP BY TransactionCode, TenantID


SELECT TransactionCode, TenantID, SUM(Amount) [Amount], 'ChargedOver60' [Status]
FROM tblTransactionWHERE Amount < 0 AND TransactionDate > DATEADD("dd", -90, GETDATE()) AND TransactionDate <= DATEADD("dd", -60, GETDATE())
GROUP BY TransactionCode, TenantID


SELECT TransactionCode, TenantID, SUM(Amount) [Amount], 'ChargedOver90' [Status]
FROM tblTransactionWHERE Amount < 0 AND TransactionDate <= DATEADD("dd", -90, GETDATE())
GROUP BY TransactionCode, TenantID

order by 4 --Status
James Alexander
Is there anyway to get them all in one row, instead of spread out among 5 rows?
+1  A: 

This cross-tab query should work:

Case WHEN Amount > 0 Then Amount Else 0 End as [Total],
Case WHEN Amount < 0 AND TransactionDate > DATEADD("dd", -30, GETDATE())
    Then Amount Else 0 End as [Charge 0-29 Days],
Case WHEN Amount < 0 AND TransactionDate > DATEADD("dd", -60, GETDATE()) AND TransactionDate <= DATEADD("dd", -30, GETDATE()) 
    Then Amount Else 0 End as [Charge 30-59 Days],
Case WHEN Amount < 0 AND TransactionDate > DATEADD("dd", -90, GETDATE()) AND TransactionDate <= DATEADD("dd", -60, GETDATE()) 
    Then Amount Else 0 End as [Charge 60-89 Days],
Case WHEN Amount < 0 AND TransactionDate <= DATEADD("dd", -90, GETDATE())
     Then Amount Else 0 End as [Charge 90+ Days],

FROM tblTransaction GROUP BY TransactionCode, TenantID

Well rats, mith beat me to it. Why didn't I get any update notices?