Using multiprocessing on windows it appears that any open file handles are inherited by spawned processes. This has the unpleasant side effect of locking them.
I'm interested in either:
1) Preventing the inheritance
2) A way to release the file from the spawned process
Consider the following code which works fine on OSX, but crashes on windows at os.rename
from multiprocessing import Process
import os
kFileA = "a.txt"
kFileB = "b.txt"
def emptyProcess():
while 1:
def main():
# Open a file and write a message
testFile = open(kFileA, 'a')
testFile.write("Message One\n")
# Spawn a process
p = Process(target=emptyProcess)
# Close the file
# This will crash
# WindowsError: [Error 32] The process cannot access the file
# because it is being used by another process
os.rename(kFileA, kFileB)
testFile = open(kFileA, 'a')
testFile.write("Message Two\n")
if __name__ == "__main__":