I have a multivariate timeseries of "inputs" of dimension N that I want to map to an output timeseries of dimension M, where M < N. The inputs are bounded in [0,k] and the outputs are in [0,1]. Let's call the input vector for some time slice in the series "I[t]" and the output vector "O[t]".
Now if I knew the optimal mapping of pairs <I[t], O[t]>, I could use one of the standard multivariate regression / training techniques (such as NN, SVM, etc) to discover a mapping function.
I do not know the relationship between specific <I[t], O[t]> pairs, rather have a view on the overall fitness of the output timeseries, i.e. the fitness is governed by a penalty function on the complete output series.
I want to determine the mapping / regressing function "f", where:
O[t] = f (theta, I[t])
Such that penalty function P(O) is minimized:
minarg P( f(theta, I) ) theta
[Note that the penalty function P is being applied the resultant series generated from multiple applications of f to the I[t]'s across time. That is f is a function of I[t] and not the whole timeseries]
The mapping between I and O is complex enough that I do not know what functions should form its basis. Therefore expect to have to experiment with a number of basis functions.
Have a view on one way to approach this, but do not want to bias the proposals.