



I have a multivariate timeseries of "inputs" of dimension N that I want to map to an output timeseries of dimension M, where M < N. The inputs are bounded in [0,k] and the outputs are in [0,1]. Let's call the input vector for some time slice in the series "I[t]" and the output vector "O[t]".

Now if I knew the optimal mapping of pairs <I[t], O[t]>, I could use one of the standard multivariate regression / training techniques (such as NN, SVM, etc) to discover a mapping function.

I do not know the relationship between specific <I[t], O[t]> pairs, rather have a view on the overall fitness of the output timeseries, i.e. the fitness is governed by a penalty function on the complete output series.

I want to determine the mapping / regressing function "f", where:

     O[t] = f (theta, I[t]) 

Such that penalty function P(O) is minimized:

     minarg P( f(theta, I) )

[Note that the penalty function P is being applied the resultant series generated from multiple applications of f to the I[t]'s across time. That is f is a function of I[t] and not the whole timeseries]

The mapping between I and O is complex enough that I do not know what functions should form its basis. Therefore expect to have to experiment with a number of basis functions.

Have a view on one way to approach this, but do not want to bias the proposals.



... depends on your definition of optimal mapping and penalty function. I'm not sure if this is the direction you're taking, but here's a couple of suggestions:

  • For example you can find a mapping of the data from the higher dimensional space to a lower dimension space that tries to preserve the original similarity between data points (something like Multidimensional Scaling [MDS]).

  • Or you can prefer to map the data to a lower dimension that accounts for as much of the variability in the data as possible (Principal Component Analysis [PCA]).
