I have a winform app being installed by ClickOnce and I need to be able to enable Remote Connections in sqlexpress by default.
Also, I need to make sure the local user has access to the SQL instance. How do I edit the manifest file?
My app is a part of a Merge Replication topology. I inherited the DAL and until I change it I cannot switch to SQL CE due to SProc's limitation's.
SQL Express is ClickOnce (able) and is a default in VS2008 as a prerequisite.
Below is the Product.xml of the SQL Express Bootstrapper package. How can I modify this to accomplish what I need? Has anyone else had to modify this? Here is an example of this.
<Command PackageFile="sqlexpr32.exe" Arguments="-q /norebootchk /qn reboot=ReallySuppress addlocal=all instancename=SQLEXPRESS SQLAUTOSTART=1 ADDUSERASADMIN=1" EstimatedInstalledBytes="225000000" EstimatedInstallSeconds="420">
<BypassIf Property="SQLExpressInstalled" Compare="ValueEqualTo" Value="0"/>
<BypassIf Property="VersionNT" Compare="VersionLessThan" Value="5.1"/>
<FailIf Property="AdminUser" Compare="ValueEqualTo" Value="false" String="AdminRequired"/>
<FailIf Property="Version9x" Compare="ValueExists" String="InvalidPlatformXP"/>
<FailIf Property="VersionNT" Compare="VersionLessThan" Value="5.1.2" String="InvalidPlatformXP"/>
<FailIf Property="ProcessorArchitecture" Compare="ValueNotEqualTo" Value="Intel" String="InvalidPlatformArchitecture"/>
<ExitCode Value="0" Result="Success"/>
<ExitCode Value="1641" Result="SuccessReboot"/>
<ExitCode Value="3010" Result="SuccessReboot"/>
<ExitCode Value="50037" Result="Fail" String="MissingMSXml"/>
<ExitCode Value="50251" Result="Fail" String="MissingMSXml"/>
<ExitCode Value="50198" Result="Fail" String="InsufficientHardware"/>
<ExitCode Value="50236" Result="Fail" String="InsufficientHardware"/>
<ExitCode Value="50222" Result="Fail" String="InvalidPlatformOSServicePacks"/>
<ExitCode Value="70003" Result="Fail" String="InvalidPlatformOSServicePacks"/>
<ExitCode Value="50247" Result="Fail" String="InvalidPlatformIE"/>
<ExitCode Value="50248" Result="Fail" String="InvalidPlatformIE"/>
<ExitCode Value="70004" Result="Fail" String="AnotherInstanceRunning"/>
<ExitCode Value="70032" Result="Fail" String="BetaComponentsFailure"/>
<ExitCode Value="70033" Result="Fail" String="InvalidPlatformArchitecture"/>
<DefaultExitCode Result="Fail" FormatMessageFromSystem="true" String="GeneralFailure"/>
I thank everyone for there time.