Curly brace matching was pretty easy to turn on. How can I turn on parenthesis matching in Xcode?
Both brace, bracket and parenthesis matching seem to work fine in Xcode 3.x for me.
2009-06-13 04:57:35
"It works on my machine" isn't very helpful...
2009-06-13 05:10:43
You must be running XCode in Snow Leopard and install xcode from the Snow Leopard disc that you got at WWDC. If you did not get a snow leopard disk, then you are out-of-luck unless you find one elsewhere.
Ther version of xcode needed is 3.2 and the other comonents in the about page are: Component versions Xcode IDE: 1600.0 Xcode Core: 1599.0 ToolSupport: 1591.0
2009-06-13 05:16:04