



Harvard architecture computers have separate code and data memories. Does this make them immune to code injection attacks (as data cannot be executed as code)?

+3  A: 

It partly depends on what you count as a "code injection attack".

Take a SQL injection attack, for example. The SQL query itself would never need to be in an executable part of memory, because it's converted into native code (or interpreted, or whatever terminology you wish to use) by the database engine. However, that SQL could still be broadly regarded as "code".

If you only include an attacker inserting native code to be executed directly by the processor (e.g. via a buffer overrun) and if the process is prevented from copying data into a "code area" then it provides protection against this sort of attack, yes. (I'm reluctant to claim 100% protection even if I can't think of any attack vectors; it sounds foolproof, but security's a trick business.)

Jon Skeet
+8  A: 

They are somewhat more immune than Von Neumann architecture, but not entirely. Every architecture has a conversion point, where data starts being treated as code. In Von Neumann it happens immediately inside CPU, while in Harvard it happens before the memory is reserved and declared for the module (or sometimes even before that, when a file is being prepared by the build system). This means that in Harvard architecture a successful code injection attack needs to be a bit more complicated and far-fetching, but not necessarily impossible.

If one can place a file containing malicious code in the machine's storage (e.g. file system) and cause, say, a buffer overrun which would redirect on return to existing (valid, non-malicious) code which loads this malicious file as code and if the architecture allows this file to start executing (e.g. via self-initialization routine), that'll be an example of successful code injection.


Most Harvard architecture machines still use a common shared memory space for both data and instructions outside of the core. So, it would still be possible to inject code and get it executed as instructions. In fact, most processors today are internally Harvard architecture, even if they look Von Neumann externally.

+1  A: 

Apparently, there are some researchers who were able to accomplish a permanent code injection attack on a Harvard architecture. So maybe not as secure as people thought.

+1  A: 

x86 has a segmentation architecture that does this, and it has been used by some projects to try to stop data from being executed as code (an effort which is now mostly wasted given the NX bit), and it never came close to stemming the flow of new exploits. Consider the amazing number of remote file inclusions still exploitable in the wild.


My university had a MS defense recently that discussed this very thing. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to attend. I'm sure if you contacted Mr. Watts he'd be willing to discuss it.

Paul Nathan