As Nadia pointed out you will need to be more specific. Python does not allow this kind of things, which means that what you are trying to do is probably something wrong.
In the meantime, here is my contribution: a little story about a sailor and a frog. (use a constructor after the class initialization)
class Cruise(object):
def arewelostyet(self):
print 'Young sailor: I think I am lost, help me :s'
instance = Cruise()
def whereami(lostfunc):
def decorated(*args, **kwargs):
lostfunc(*args, **kwargs)
print 'Frog: Crôak! thou art sailing in class', lostfunc.im_class.__name__
# don't forget to write name and doc
decorated.func_name = lostfunc.func_name
decorated.func_doc = lostfunc.func_name
return decorated
print '[i]A frog pops out of nowhere[/i]'
# decorate the method:
Cruise.arewelostyet = whereami(Cruise.arewelostyet)