



Today's the 25th birthday of Tetris. I believe writing Tetris clone is one of the best ways to familiarize oneself to a new language or a platform. It's not completely trivial and it lends itself well to learning language specific constructs like iterators and closures.

I've been hearing about Scala, and finally decided to read some docs and write a Tetris clone. So, this is my first Scala code. I did try to use functional constructs, but am sure there are lots of things I can improve to do it more Scala way. Please give me suggestions using comment. Also other submissions of Tetris clone in Scala are welcome too.

I'm aware that the actual question itself is somewhat subjective, but I think this is of some value since others can use this as example (or anti-example) code.

Edit: Let me rephrase the question. What can I do to make the code more Scala-ish?

+7  A: 
 * ScalaTetrix.scala

package ScalaTetrix

import swing._
import event._

object App extends SimpleSwingApplication {
  import event.Key._
  import java.awt.{Dimension, Graphics2D, Graphics, Image, Rectangle}
  import java.awt.{Color => AWTColor}
  import java.awt.event.{ActionEvent}
  import javax.swing.{Timer => SwingTimer, AbstractAction}

  var game = Game.newGame

  override def top = frame

  val frame = new MainFrame {
    title = "Scala Tetrix"
    contents = mainPanel
    lazy val mainPanel = new Panel() {
      focusable = true
      background = AWTColor.white
      preferredSize = new Dimension(380, 600)

      override def paint(g: Graphics2D) {
        g.fillRect(0, 0, size.width, size.height)


      reactions += {
        case KeyPressed(_, key, _, _) =>
    } // new Panel()

    val timer = new SwingTimer(1000, new AbstractAction() {
      override def actionPerformed(e: ActionEvent) {
        if (game.mode == ActiveMode) {
          game = game.tick

  } // def top new MainFrame

  def onKeyPress(keyCode: Value) = keyCode match {
    case Left => game = process(_.moveBy(-1, 0))
    case Right => game = process(_.moveBy(1, 0))
    case Up => game = process(_.rotate)
    case Down => game = game.tick
    case Space => game = game.drop
    case _ =>

  def onPaint(g: Graphics2D) {
    val CELL_SIZE: Int = 20
    val CELL_MARGIN: Int = 1
    val darkRed = new AWTColor(200, 100, 100)

    def buildRect(p: Tuple2[Int, Int], board: Board): Rectangle =
      new Rectangle(p._1 * (CELL_SIZE + CELL_MARGIN) + board.pos._1,
        (board.size._2 - p._2 - 1) * (CELL_SIZE + CELL_MARGIN) + board.pos._2,

    def drawBoard(board: Board) {

        foreach(p => g draw buildRect(p, board))

      board.cells.keys.foreach(g fill buildRect(_, board))

    def drawBlock(block: Block, board: Board) {
      block.foreach(g fill buildRect(_, board))

    drawBlock(game.block, game.board)

  def process(f: Game => Option[Game]) =
    f(game) match {
      case Some(e) => e
      case None => game
} // object App

abstract class GameMode
case object NewMode extends GameMode
case object ActiveMode extends GameMode
case object GameOverMode extends GameMode

object Game {
  val BOARD_SIZE = (9, 20)
  val BOARD_POS = (20, 20)
  val MINI_SIZE = (5, 5)
  val MINI_POS = (250, 20)

  def newGame =
    new Game(
      new Board(BOARD_SIZE, BOARD_POS),
      initBlock(Block.randomBlock(), BOARD_SIZE),
      initBlock(Block.randomBlock(), MINI_SIZE),

  def initBlock(block: Block, size: Tuple2[Int, Int]) =
    block.moveTo(size._1 / 2, size._2 - 3)

class Game(
  val board: Board,
  val block: Block,
  val nextBlock: Block,
  val mode: GameMode
) {
  val miniBoard =
    new Board(Game.MINI_SIZE, Game.MINI_POS).set(nextBlock)

  def tick: Game = synchronized {
    moveBy(0, -1) match {
      case Some(game) => game
      case None => hitTheFloor

  def hitTheFloor: Game = {
    var newBoard = board.checkRows
    val newBlock = Game.initBlock(nextBlock, Game.BOARD_SIZE)
    val newNextBlock = Game.initBlock(Block.randomBlock(), Game.MINI_SIZE)

    var newMode = mode
    if (!newBoard.isInBound(newBlock)
        || newBoard.isCollide(newBlock)) newMode = GameOverMode
    else newBoard = newBoard + newBlock

    new Game(newBoard, newBlock, newNextBlock, newMode)

  def drop: Game =
    moveBy(0, -1) match {
      case None => this
      case Some(e) => e.drop

  def moveBy(delta: Tuple2[Int, Int]): Option[Game] =

  def rotate: Option[Game] =
    transform(_.rotate(-math.Pi / 2.0))

  def transform(f: Block => Block): Option[Game] = {
    if (mode != ActiveMode && mode != NewMode) return None

    val newMode = if (mode == NewMode) ActiveMode
    else mode

    board.transform(block, f) match {
      case (None, e) => None
      case (Some(newBoard), newBlock) =>
        Some(new Game(newBoard, newBlock, nextBlock, newMode))


class Board(
  val size: Tuple2[Int, Int],
  val pos: Tuple2[Int, Int],
  val cells: Map[Tuple2[Int, Int], BlockType]
) {
  def this(size: Tuple2[Int, Int], pos: Tuple2[Int, Int]) = {
    this(size, pos, Map.empty)

  def coordinates =
    for (y <- 0 until size._2; x <- 0 until size._1)
      yield(x, y)

  def clear() =
    new Board(size, pos)

  def transform(
    block: Block,
    f: Block => Block) = {
    val unloadedBoard = this - block
    val transformedBlock = f(block)
    if (!unloadedBoard.isInBound(transformedBlock)
        || unloadedBoard.isCollide(transformedBlock)) (None, block)
    else (Some(unloadedBoard + transformedBlock), transformedBlock)

  def +(block: Block): Board = {
    assert(!isCollide(block) && isInBound(block))

    def loadList(board: Board, xs: List[Tuple2[Int, Int]]): Board = xs match {
      case List() => board
      case x :: tail => loadList(board.set(x, block.blockType), tail)

    loadList(this, block.coordinates)

  private def -(block: Block): Board = {

    def unloadList(board: Board, xs: List[Tuple2[Int, Int]]): Board = xs match {
      case List() => board
      case x :: tail => unloadList(board.unset(x), tail)

    unloadList(this, block.coordinates)

  private def isRowFilled(y: Int): Boolean = {
    val row = for (x <- 0 until size._1)
      yield (x, y)
    row forall (cells.contains(_))

  private def removeRow(y: Int): Board = {
    var newBoard = this
    for (y <- y until size._2 - 1; x <- 0 until size._1) {
      newBoard = if (newBoard.cells.contains((x, y + 1)))
        newBoard.set((x, y), newBoard.cells((x, y + 1)))
      else newBoard.unset((x, y))
    } // x, y

    for (x <- 0 until size._1) {
      newBoard = newBoard.unset((x, size._2 - 1))
    } // x, y

    return newBoard

  def checkRows: Board = {
    var newBoard = this
    for (i <- 0 until size._2) {
      val y = size._2 - 1 - i
      if (newBoard.isRowFilled(y)) {
        newBoard = newBoard.removeRow(y)
    } // i
    return newBoard

  def isCollide(block: Block): Boolean =
    block exists (cells.contains(_))

  def isInBound(block: Block): Boolean =
    block forall (p => p._1 >= 0 && p._1 < size._1
      && p._2 >= 0 && p._2 < size._2)

  def set(block: Block): Board =
    clear + block

  def set(key: Tuple2[Int, Int], value: BlockType) =
    new Board(size, pos, cells + (key -> value))

  def unset(key: Tuple2[Int, Int]) =
    new Board(size, pos, cells - key)

sealed abstract class BlockType
case object Tee extends BlockType
case object Bar extends BlockType
case object Box extends BlockType
case object El extends BlockType
case object Jay extends BlockType
case object Es extends BlockType
case object Zee extends BlockType

object Block {
  val blockTypes: List[BlockType] = List(Tee, Bar, Box, El, Jay, Es, Zee)

  def randomBlock(): Block = {
    val blockType = blockTypes(util.Random.nextInt(blockTypes.size));
    new Block(blockType,
      (4, 10),
      blockType match {
        case Tee => List((0.0, 0.0), (-1.0, 0.0), (1.0, 0.0), (0.0, 1.0))
        case Bar => List((0.0, -1.5), (0.0, -0.5), (0.0, 0.5), (0.0, 1.5))
        case Box => List((-0.5, 0.5), (0.5, 0.5), (-0.5, -0.5), (0.5, -0.5))
        case El => List((0.0, 0.0), (0.0, 1.0), (0.0, -1.0), (1.0, -1.0))
        case Jay => List((0.0, 0.0), (0.0, 1.0), (0.0, -1.0), (-1.0, -1.0))
        case Es => List((-0.5, 0.0), (0.5, 0.0), (-0.5, 1.0), (0.5, -1.0))
        case Zee => List((-0.5, 0.0), (0.5, 0.0), (-0.5, -1.0), (0.5, 1.0))

class Block(
  val blockType: BlockType,
  val pos: Tuple2[Int, Int],
  val locals: List[Tuple2[Double, Double]]
) extends IndexedSeq[Tuple2[Int, Int]] {
  override def length = coordinates.length
  override def apply(index: Int) = coordinates(index)

  def coordinates: List[Tuple2[Int, Int]] =
    for (p <- locals)
      yield (math.round(p._1 + pos._1).asInstanceOf[Int],
        math.round(p._2 + pos._2).asInstanceOf[Int])

  def moveBy(delta: Tuple2[Int, Int]) =
    moveTo((pos._1 + delta._1, pos._2 + delta._2))

  def moveTo(newPos: Tuple2[Int, Int]) =
    new Block(blockType, newPos, locals)

  def rotate(theta: Double) = {
    val s = math.sin(theta)
    val c = math.cos(theta)
    val newLocals = for (p <- locals)
      yield (roundToHalf(p._1 * c - p._2 * s),
             roundToHalf(p._1 * s + p._2 * c))
    new Block(blockType, pos, newLocals)

  private def roundToHalf(value: Double) =
    math.round(value * 2.0) * 0.5

Edit: Updated the code to use Scala's Swing API as suggested by @thatismatt. Also, I've found that the way to learn Scala style coding is to read the book by Martin Odersky called Programming in Scala. In essence, the Scala way is gradually shift from imperative style to functional style by using immutable data structure, functions without side-effects, pattern matching, traits, etc.

Edit2: Updated the code to use immutable data structure etc. For example Block#rotate now returns a new Block object instead of modifying itself.

Edit3: Updated the code to work on Scala 2.8 RC3.

+1 this answers almost all my questions on scala, thanks
Does not compile in Scala 2.8 RC2. Pity, it would be such a nice example.
Łukasz Lew
@Łukasz Lew, try now. It should work with RC3.
Lots of possible improvements here, but I don't think this forum is appropriate to discuss them.
Tony Morris
+3  A: 

A small comment I'd make is that you are using java.swing instead of scala.swing. Moving over might help you to get a more functional experience, it isn't perfect though, as it's just a wrapper around the java libs. And the learning curve would obviously be steeper if you are coming from a Java background... although maybe that is what you are after!

Using javax.swing might help it compile better.