



What is the easiest and most practical way to implement smooth frame-based animation on the iPhone? I know that image sequences are easy to do, but if I have say 30 images flashing per second (30 fps) for 5 seconds, will it freeze up? Are there massive memory implications with this method?

I'm designing a game that will be mostly static, but there will be animations for some of the user actions. I'm hoping that OpenGL (etc.) won't be necessary.


This question needs to be more clear. Are you trying to display a sprite based animation? Or animate an image along a path? Or both?

If you have a series of images to animate, using UIImageView's animationImage is an easy way to go about it, although it is probably not efficient enough for a full scale game.

Steven Canfield
I've clarified the question to be a little bit more direct. Thanks Steven.
James Skidmore
+1  A: 

I'd recommend looking at the Cocos2d-iPhone open source game engine.

Using an AtlasSprite it should be relatively straight forward to achieve the result you want.

Interesting — I'll take a look into Cocos2d-iPhone and mark your question as the correct answer if it's what I need. Thanks!
James Skidmore