After recently answering a question involving the Ackerman function part of which involved a function for computing the tetration of a number. Which led me to ponder if there was a more efficient way to do it. I did some testing on my own but I'm limited mainly by the fact that even a number such as 5^^3=5^3125 given 5^3 is roughly 10^2, meaning 5^3125 ~= 10^(3125*2/3) around 2000 digits.
The function doesn't lend itself to divide and conquer methods due to the nature of how the exponentiation is done, ie:
2^^5=2^(2^(2^(2^2))))=2^(2^(2^4))=2^(2^16)=2^65536~=10^(65536*3/10) so around 20k digits...
The nature of the problem, since it begins at the top of the power tree and works it way down strikes me as factorial. A fast power algorithm can be used to do the exponentiation operation obviously, but I haven't been able to see a way to shrink the number of exponentiation operations.
In case anyone is unclear what I'm talking about here's the wiki article , essentially though tetration is:
a^^b= a^a^a....^a, b times and then starting the exponentiation at the top element of the power tree and working down.
The algorithm I'm currently using would be (although I'm using a ruby version if I actually want values):
long int Tetration(int number, int tetrate)
long int product=1;
return product;
return product;
Any thoughts would be appreciated.